Whoever wrote this has serious superiority issues
Whoever wrote this has serious superiority issues
Sorry I meant to clarify earlier if I didn’t, I’m on android app (Jerboa). That’s probably why
Can you walk me through how you check it maybe I’m just not seeing the option
Idk maybe I just can’t on mobile through the app I’m using (Jerboa)
Yes that’s it
Is that for every community? Couldn’t find any mod logs in Politics
Thank you :)
I’ve seen some of your other comments so I don’t really take offense to any insult you might try to throw at me. And no. Based on your other comments I’d guess I’m at least a decade older than you.
It’s a talking point… stay with me… that turned into a “catchphrase” because it’s used so much. It’s not to be taken literally.
Still with me or?
You cannot have a debate with a Trumper without him/her saying “democrats send money over there” in one form or another.
If you don’t fall into this category, congrats! This comment isn’t about you!
But no, I will as divisive as I need to with Trumpers, they are a cancer on this society that is attempting to take root in the heart of our country yet again. They should be ridiculed and weeded out, forced back into the shadows where they can nurse their wounded egos and barely.masked bigotry in solitude.
You… misspelled disgusted.
It’s hilarious when they say this. “Sending money over there” is a literal catchphrase for Trumpers.
He’s full of catchphrases like this. It’s all he knows how to do, rile up his idiot fanbase, because that’s what it is, (no politician should have a fanbase) and shift blame/dodge questions. And he is frighteningly good at it.
Damn you beat me to it
Man I haven’t met someone who was distugested in a long time. You sure are pretty passionate about this!
Every doe in Finland