Und wärend wir “über die wichtigen Themen diskutieren”, erpresst Trump mit dem Theater die Ukraine, dem Rohstoffdeal zuzustimmen und droht indirekt damit, Diktator Putin zu unterstützen.
Somewhere between Linux woes, gaming, open source, 3D printing, recreational coding, and occasional ranting.
🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪
Und wärend wir “über die wichtigen Themen diskutieren”, erpresst Trump mit dem Theater die Ukraine, dem Rohstoffdeal zuzustimmen und droht indirekt damit, Diktator Putin zu unterstützen.
Have a look at Luakit (but please don’t try to configure it – this is absurd!)
it doesn’t really suit my needs.
What are your needs?
Weniger Anträge weil weniger Anträge. Eine schlüssige Argumentation auf einer qualitativen Ebene mit “verboten weil illegal”.
Mich würde es ja tierisch nerven, beim Arbeiten und Denken permanent mit Musik beschallt zu werden.
Also: If someone manages to tamper with the downloadable ISO … they likely will be able to tamper with the signature files, too.
Mmh, okay. So I’ll continue re-downloading videos in non-HDR variants. But good to see it implemented, though.
I’m not following Linux drama, sorry.
So no more dark and dull looking videos?
If you’re into watching YouTube: You can add channels as RSS into your reader. The latest 15 videos are offered via the feeds. All you need is the channel ID of the channel whose feed you want to access.
The channel ID is not visible anywhere on the page, but if you look at the DOM in the web browser via the developer console, you will find a meta entry <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID">
in the <head>
, where CHANNEL_ID
is the required ID. There are also websites that can be found quickly and easily using the appropriate keywords, which read out and return the ID associated with the provided handle.
If you have a lot of subscriptions, you can use Google Takeout at takeout.google.com and export the YouTube subscriptions as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the subscribed channels with their ID and title for you to parse into whatever format you need for your reader.
For Newsboat you can use this script on the Abos.csv from my Google Takeout archive:
while IFS="," read id url name; do
[ ! -z "${id}" ] && echo "$feedURL youtube videos \"~${name}\""
done < <(tail -n +2 Abos.csv) >> urls
Edit: Seems like, Lemmy messes up the code formatting, but you get the gist …
QC was such a fun ride…
It clearly had it’s moments. There were some weirdly questionable strips. I’m not following it anymore since a few years but I’m happy to see it’s still running.
He has unlimited money. I am pretty sure he doesn’t really care.
Here in Germany we learn that in school in 3rd or 4th grade (ca 9-10 years of age).
If your company goes full-on Microsoft cloud (including OneDrive), maybe try logging in on https://www.microsoft365.com/ with your corporate account. From there you have access to all the OneDrive files that are shared with you, as well as all Office web applications (they’re basically identical with the installed apps).
Using a Chromium-based browser you can run the individual web-apps like chromium --app="https://...."
to give them a more native look-and-feel by removing the browser interface.
Same goes for Teams, btw.: Just open http://teams.microsoft.com/, it works just like the installed version. Including audio, video, screen sharing, and notifications.
Same here. I have no clue what the latest things to watch, read, or listen to are. And I don’t think I miss out on anything. I also get almost none of the references.
So we’ll see a release in November this year?
Ca. 20 years ago I worked for a company that used X forwarding for their backup management system (a Java application running on one of the servers) which somewhat worked on their wired LAN (at least most some of the time).
This was just unreliable and slow and had issues left and right.
Back than I tried this. The performance was horrible, even on a good connection. It was barely tolerable on LAN, but over the Internet … no. Just no. There were and are better solution for accessing a remote machine.
Weil die Polizei im Straßenverkehr nur was unternimmt, wenn ein Kfz zu Schaden gekommen ist.