Er, the yanks haven’t invaded Greenland yet…
Ah yes, the old enemy of the left: the left.
You literally just engaged in what the OP was talking about, and here am I joining in as well.
The reboot of Succession in 20 years is going to be wild.
That’s good. That’s like a 40-degree day. Ain’t nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day. Fifty. Bring a smile to your face. Sixty, shit, niggas is damn near barbecuing on that motherfucker. Go down to 20, niggas get their bitch on. Get their blood complaining. But forty? Nobody give a fuck about 40. Nobody remember 40, and y’all niggas is giving me way too many 40-degree days! What the fuck?
Excuse me seriously please and thank you?
You say that as if the people being fed these lies even give a shit about whether they’re lies or the truth.
The other one has an onlyfans and used it to generate subscriptions. I imagine the thinking is somewhat similar.
A niche reference to be sure, but a welcome one.
That’s the answer, no one ever specified what the actual question was.
Kim threatens world with nukes and fires a few missiles into the sea.
Trump and Kim have a summit to ease the tensions.
Kim looks good in DKR because the imperialists have come to beg him not to kill everyone. Trump looks good in America because he got the dictator to back down. They both look good internationally for their positive talks, this means some sanctions can be lifted and more aid can enter DKR.
Both did nothing and both got to benefit from acting like it wasn’t a manufactured crisis with a manufactured solution.
Unless you’re using particularly old switches or routers it doesn’t matter if you’re using straight or crossover anymore.