I post pictures with my other account @[email protected]
Carbon capture is needed in the long term, so it’s good that technologies for it are already being developed. Ending emissions isn’t enough, we need to also remove the GHG’s that are already up in the air. But that comes later. The most pressing thing currently is to remove emissions, or to stop shitting on the floor, as Adam put it.
Even then, I am sceptical about the scalability of DAC solutions. Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) seems more scalable, like building huge platforms for seaweeds to grow on, and then sinking them and their stored carbon into the depths of the ocean.
It would be more effective to just move location agnostic, power consuming stuff like data centres to Iceland to run on the green energy instead of sucking up power from grids with fossil fuels in them.
Maybe in some places, but in most of Europe at least, speaking two languages is considered the norm if not the bare minimum.
A bit late, but having now just watched the movie, I can say that it’s probably the best movie I’ve seen about absurdism. Loved it.
Ai generated imagery.
(The lines on the road all conveniently end when they are behind someone)
Most philosophers (all who were/are not nihilists) would disagree with you here. You can’t say that “they just didn’t think hard enough about it”, just because they arrived at different conclusions.
That’s one of the neat things about philosophy: There is no absolutely true framework or theory. It’s all just different ways of looking at things.
I may be out of the loop:
What’s up with .ml?
Yeah they’re public info, ironically exactly to prevent “accidents” like this.
The ingress displays perfectly how pathetic Orpo is. “Yeah uhh racism is like, bad and stuff, but I can’t make them angry or my government with a lot of racists in it would collapse and that would be bad for the stockholders!”
Damn you went all out with the absurdity of that straw man. Nice one!
Politicians are constantly criticizing their opponents without necessarily presenting alternative solutions. A murder done with a political motive is a political murder. A political murder is a political message. “The system sucks so bad that there are people out there who are willing to take arms because of it.” That’s the message, in case you seriously still had not figured it out yourself.
The book was only referenced in order to emphasize that political motive by bringing up the fact that the health insurance sector is rotten and many have grievances against it. The methods the author would prefer are irrelevant to that fact, as the shooter clearly arrived at a different conclusion.
It was a murder. Mentioning the name of the book gives it a political motive. A political murder is a political message. It’s not that complicated, I’m just pointing this out to you since it evidently flew over your head earlier and the other commenter didn’t spell it out for you.
That was a reference to the texts the perpetrator had written in the shell casings he used, which were a reference to a book. He definitely sent a message with the act, and it was very much a political one at that.
The pursuit of capital is a thing elsewhere, yes, but that pursuit isn’t in control of legislation (at least as badly as it is over there in the US). Instead it is (mostly) controlled by legislation. This is the crucial difference between the US and most of the developed world. This is what would need to change before your dream of a legislative solution could be realised.
The image is a satirical (I’m guessing meta-ironic) contemporary imitation of the work of late David Eugene Dees, a conspiracy theorist and graphic designer.
A contemporary imitation of David Dees’ work? I adore this. The world needs more of this.
IQ is an attempt to represent a persons problem solving abilities with a single number. This is bullshit, because intelligence isn’t that simple. There’s different kinds of intelligence. Some people are better at some kinds of intelligence, while others have their strenghts in other areas.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Not sure, but I think the last line is a suitable commonality to be called a template name.
I think they should have a duel and the loser has to resign