Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yeah, it is more strict. Parents are bombarded with pedophilia news 24/7, same as kidnappings, bullying, deaths…

    Meanwhile buisnesses are under constant threat of checks from authority and a lot of legal threat in case shit goes down the drain.

    We made world safer, but also…dry and constricting. And then people wonder what’s up with generations becoming less social.

  • This isn’t WWII, we aren’t in war. By letting go of free speech you are letting goverment tell you what is ok to talk about, and by doing that you allow them to expand taboo. In times of need like today, that is necessary evil, however normally that is something out of horror.

    For example, whether you agree or not, at the end of WW II communism was seen as almost as bad as nazizm, and in USA I think, may be wrong, that it was seen as worse. What’s bad is that every social policy is coupled with it mentally. If free speech wasn’t a thing, USA could tell it’s citizens that talking about nazizm, communism, social policies or unions is strictly forbidden under threat of, at least, financial fine.

  • While without context I’d agree that banning a gesture is a bit much, especially with such steep measures, I think that in a world when one of the de facto co-leaders of major if not the main world superpowers openly does nazi salute twice, we need to up the guard and cut this shit in the bud.

    And as you said - we don’t know how to solve USA becoming a nazi state rapidly. Nobody does. And third reich ain’t gonna hold a candle to USA if they decide it’s time for blitzkrieg. So doingall we can to damage and reduce nazizm where we still can is admirable.