Thanks for the useful info. Still, I don’t think I want to fool with it until it’s available via GUI. That’s just me.
And I hope you are right about the rest being quicker.
Thanks for the useful info. Still, I don’t think I want to fool with it until it’s available via GUI. That’s just me.
And I hope you are right about the rest being quicker.
But they have historically moved pretty damn slow
I’m sure my command line game is weak. Do you have a solution for connecting to Bluetooth and for timing out to login screen and blanking it after a certain period?
Exactly. I could use it as my daily if the settings panel was more complete.
I agree
I couldn’t even connect Bluetooth until I switched to Gnome again
Not in the long view it wouldn’t be that bad but we’ve seen other projects take so many years. Look how long it’s taken Wayland.
That’s my plan. I’m back on Gnome until feature parity.
I’m just afraid it’s gonna be another 2 years before it’s ready for everyday use
The pharmacy is not where the people that stock the front of the store work. They are very busy trying to fill hundreds of prescriptions and deal with doctors, patients and insurance companies.
Don’t ask them where to find the cosmetics that are on sale. We don’t even know. We are not a service desk.
Glad I could help
How can no one else miss Taco Bell’s naked chicken chalupa? I loved that thing.
And the McRib is missed every time it leaves.
I was going to say I miss nothing but you reminded me of what I really miss. Mac Preview. It was so versatile and did a lot for a little built in program.
I used to use Sushi for gnome but it never did all file types and it stopped working for me a while back. I have never gotten it to work right again since.