Lol @ “some 20 years ago … ADSL from 2002”. Thanks for making me feel old!
Just an Aussie tech guy - home automation, ESP gadgets, networking. Also love my camping and 4WDing.
Be a good motherfucker. Peace.
Lol @ “some 20 years ago … ADSL from 2002”. Thanks for making me feel old!
This old thing - a Barmah Squashy hate, made from Kangaroo leather. I clearly don’t regularly treat it with leather conditioner like they tell you to.
This hat is my constant companion whenever I go camping. We’re literally tomorrow leaving for a three week trip through the Outback, so it’s about to get a lot of use.
A lot less VCDs and MP3s downloaded from FTP servers and BBSes.
Not sure if I’d bring it back, but I sure do miss the fun of playing Quake against my mates on public servers.
No judgement here, and my wife has always said she never judges how anyone gives birth.
Question was asked. I answered. That is all.
Watching her give birth to our daughter. No drugs. Just natural child birth (in a hospital).
Years later, discussing childbirth with her (now) 20yo daughter (my step daughter), when asked why she did it that way for all three of her kids, she simply said it was something she wanted go go through, to feel connected to the experience of having her kids.
Awe and pride don’t even begin to explain what I felt (and still feel) for my wife.
Not sure where you’re located,but we have https://www.productreview.com.au here in Australia. I’ve occasionally found it useful.
Oh, sure. I get that. Sending yourself reminders is absolutely understandable. Sending yourself documented evidence of your plans to defraud someone is entirely different.
In a 2017 email to himself, Smith calculated that he could stream his songs 661,440 times daily, potentially earning $3,307.20 per day and up to $1.2 million annually.
Great idea, but why would you email yourself about it?
RAID5 and unlimited downloads on my 1Gbps fibre. All I backup is my library metadata itself, using a 2N+C strategy.
Name the band? Maybe some of us can pitch in.
Oh man - hard disagree on this one for me. Still rates up there as one of the best adventure franchises of all time. We rewatch the trilogy as a family at least once every year or two, and always (re)notice awesome little easter eggs each time.
Plus, entirely safe for family viewing. It’s getting harder and harder to find movies series like that where the teenagers will still enjoy it, and the young 'un can get into it.
lol. Well played.
For you, is it ‘reG-eks’ or ‘reJ-eks’? I know it should absolutely be the former, but my brain tells me to say the latter when I read it.
One of my best mates is someone who I’ve worked with, at a few jobs, over the past 30 years. We met in our first ever technical support job then, over the following decades, kinda landed at the same places around the same time. At one point, I even hired him as a contractor into a team I was building.
We’ve helped each other move houses, we’ve been there for each other’s weddings, and our kids have pretty much grown up together. We get together for pub meals and barbecues as often as we can - sometimes just he and I, sometimes with the wives and kids.
My point is, over those 30 or so years, we’ve discussed a lot about our respective histories, families, school mates, hobbies, etc. There’s probably not much we haven’t shared about our lives with each other.
Literally two weeks ago, he randomly sends me a picture of the back of a family photograph that was taken when he was a little kid. Had the name of the photographer and the photographer’s phone number stamped on it.
Turns out my grandfather (a professional photog at one stage in his life) had been my mate’s family’s photographer all those years ago. Used to visit them once a year to take all the family photos. My mate remembers him quite well - just funny that we never connected the dots before now.
Spread across a couple of NASes, each with 4 x 4TB drives in RAID5.
The real value is in the comments
I do, because the combination of speed and cost matter to me. We don’t have a lot of other options in Australia, certainly none that can come close to Amazon’s performance in this space.
“It must be the network”
– Webdev who doesn’t even understand DNS
Most of the sauce we use is home made. My FIL makes it every year and always gives us boxes of it. Way better than shop bought sauce.
Maybe a small piece of personalised luggage for the holiday. Does she wear makeup? Maybe a nice makeup case with her initials on it.
If that’s not her thing, what about something for your home (assuming you live together)? My wife and I tend to buy ourselves the “bigger” things for Christmas, as our gift to each other - some furniture we’ve been wanting, or similar.
If that doesn’t sounds like you guys, there’s the tried and true jewelry option. Or maybe just cruise Etsy for the sorts of things she likes (does she like knick knacks, or ornamental stuff?) that might be customisable.
Failing that, have a think about what makes you special as a couple. Is there a shared interest or experience that got you together or you always talk about? Is there something in that?
Finally, I’ve been holding on to some ideas for future inspiration should I need them: