Anyone know the original painting? I need to hang this on my wall.
Anyone know the original painting? I need to hang this on my wall.
Oh yeah, the presence of this particular mindset is a lot more prevalent here on Lemmy, unfortunately. I call it the “Russian troll farm mentality.” Frankly, I find disingenuousness is less discomforting than outright delusion, because it means they know they’re full of shit. The delusional are just depressing.
There’s an important distinction. Pence was just an old school Republican who spent most of his career when they were still sane pieces of shit. They picked him because he was an actual politician to lend credibility to the crazy.
And ultimately, the dude chose country over party. We can give the guy shit for tons of stuff, but he still made the right call at the end of it.
Couch fucker was specifically chosen because he’s none of those things. Which is way, way worse.
That’s the key. You gotta psspspssspsp instead.
Why don’t you get back to us in January?
That’s because there wasn’t any law against it at that time. Now we’ve got the 22nd amendment.
It absolutely is. It’s basically a ragebait propaganda machine.
Well, it was.
It’s a terrible way, except all the others that have been tried.
each system has its pros and cons. They should be tailored to the specific needs of that specific system. So say, if you’ve got a problem with unelected officials getting corrupt and throwing wrenches in the rest of the system, then it might be beneficial to rework the laws to more easily remove said officials.
Which Georgia?
chariots chariots
Oh, good. We’ve got Prime Cave Johnson this time!
“I felt like it.” Is all the reason the cat needs.
Pretty sure the tax man can’t find them if they’re in a foxhole.
I bet you think that was a clever thing to say, don’t you?
This is just the current tech’s version of a timeless problem, though. People have always been able to just say shit and cause problems because others believed them.
Emmett Till was lynched back in the 1950s due to a lying white woman, becoming an iconic part of the civil rights movement.
In the late 1930s, the War of the Worlds story freaked a bunch of people out when it was first broadcast.
In 1897, Mark Twain’s death was falsely reported enough that he publicly commented about it.
There’s also the Great Moon Hoax in 1835.
William Anderton is a famous example of fake news from the 1700s.
we’ve even got fake news in ancient Rome involving Octavian, Marc Antony, and Cleopatra.
People will always be doing this dumb shit, whether it’s a town crier, a printing press, or a social media site.
The key is to exercise critical thinking and promote its use to everyone.
I keep seeing his have and confusing him for Dale from Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
Like, without Alan Tyduk, the evil wins.
This is the best thing I’ve seen all day. That King of the Hill joke was the freaking cherry on top!
Thanks for your help!!