America isn’t beating the Great Satan allegations
Jeeze, do they just target civilian locations exclusively?
It’s profitable to keep the left out of power as fascists will allow the rich to keep their wealth so long as they toe the party line and remain useful to the authority
Macron proves that neoliberalism is nothing but the first step to fascism. This is actively subverting the democratic will if the people and I would hope France is willing do what it takes to adress this issue.
I’m a 1 and yes I do. I can imagine something, but it’s hard to concentrate on something super detailed and fully enjoy myself
We will always be labeled as terrorists, no matter what we do. The far right is kept as both agents of division to keep the populous separated and as a last ditch ally when society comes together to free itself from the yolk of capital exploitation
There is a reason left wing groups must be militant in their operation. The capitalist class will never willingly allow another option to their complete and unyielding control.
He should let Netenyahu and the kinessit that. This is not the message america projects at all
Id argue by this criteria, most politicians can be deemed domestic terrorists. Musk is certainly more brazenly active in that arena