To surrender to something don’t you have to oppose it at some point?
To surrender to something don’t you have to oppose it at some point?
Anchovies are the food of the gods.
Ah yes, the puzzle’s the thing…
Nope, definitely Princess Donut, glasses and all.
I used to work with a guy named Paul Nessel who became “PNESS” on our network.
The Jim Jefferies Show had a good bit on this: https://youtu.be/piGzE2cMVqA?si=ekVJu9FI7fmKJiA6
It’s on Usenet. Only in Swedish though, and only Swedish subs.
I don’t remember, this was back in the mid-'90s so it was no later than '95 or so.
Not mine, but an ex-girlfriend had a Mazda 3 with a blown clutch. That thing sucked.
I mean, it was kind of amazing he lived as long as he did.
That’s when they’re filling in your roots with… whatever it is dentists use.
It’s usually gutta percha, a kind of rubbery material.
Bonus points for Billy Connolly.
There’s always money in the banana crate.
Where’s the “check Caps Lock key” step?
And it’s still here in the 2020s.
What about those of us who pirated in the early '80s?
The computer lab at my junior high was basically one big floppy copying/trading center. It was great.
Bonus Weird Al reference, nice!