It isn’t just Trump that has to go. It’s every traitorous Republican in Congress who have abdicated their responsibility to the Constitution and to every single U.S. citizen.
It isn’t just Trump that has to go. It’s every traitorous Republican in Congress who have abdicated their responsibility to the Constitution and to every single U.S. citizen.
Do it Canada. The dumber half of our country needs to learn the hard way. And, unfortunately, the smarter half has to go along for the ride.
American here.
100% support you Canada. Keep it up.
how is Trump so powerful?
The Republican party controls Congress and they have abdicated their responsibilities to our Constitution and, by extension, the American people in favor of an authoritarian because they have accepted him as their leader, thus giving away their own power.
Our forefathers never expected Congress to give away its own power. Because it doesn’t really make any sense in the long term for them to do so.
We are experiencing a coup. Most Americans are too uneducated to understand this.
How much more do we have to witness before we accept, as a society, that Donald Trump and the GOP are enemies of the United States of America, and act accordingly?
We are suffering and losing our position as a world leader because of a felon rapist traitor. When are we going to stop this?
I’m not disregarding anything. I’m making a point by driving home what it does for Americans, because all Americans care about is themselves. If I frame it from the perspective of Ukraine trying to defend themselves from invasion, Americans could give a fuck less.
Like when Russia told Ukraine they would never invade them if Ukraine gave up their nukes?
If you trust Russia, you’re a dumbfuck.
Oh look, Trump trusts Russia.
America is squarely in an age of decline now. Our allies will start moving on without us. We’ll start being left out of all sorts of deals/agreements. Our global power will decline. The future is going to another country. Probably China.
All because dumbfuck conservatives care more about owning the libs than voting responsibly.
Congrats America, we’re the bad guys now.
A foreign democracy is sending an entire generation of their male populace into the afterlife to prevent Russia from expanding their borders and influence, which is bad for everyone including America, and our dumbfuck “leader” is trying to fleece them for everything he can in exchange for helping them with what amounts to chump change.
Such an embarrassing time to be an American. We’re transitioning into a much more dangerous world.
We’d have the flying cars we were fucking promised by the movies we grew up with.
We don’t want these cunts back.
Ukraine should just do what Russia did to them and what America does under Trump. Back out of the treaty at a later date.
I think states need to become a lot more independent from the federal government.
Most red states would collapse. Not that I care anymore. They’re leeches.
But dipshits across the nation told me Trump would make us respected.
Danish astronaut responds to Musk
claimlie that Biden abandoned ISS pair on purpose
Why do we have to keep doing the media’s work for them?
Also, people tend to have things like friends and family.
If I could gather all my friends and family with me and move out of this backwards ass shithole, I would. It’s not that simple.
They should.
Our populace is too stupid to vote responsibly, which means the filth will always rise to the top, which means our government will always be corrupt, which means it can’t be trusted.
Distance yourself from us. Form allegiances with other countries. We cannot be trusted.
I’m sorry. I’ve voted at every opportunity to prevent this outcome. Many of us have. Just not enough.
The U.S. is rapidly turning into Russia, so it makes sense that we should start sounding like them.
It’s almost as if we should require IQ testing for candidates. And you know, maybe don’t let felon rapists run for office.
Very true.
But we’re speedrunning the fall of America.
Give it another year or two. You’ll start seeing widespread violence. We can only cross our fingers that it gets directed properly toward our traitorous government.