Ahh, damn, I really wish we were more hospitable. But yes, good luck to us both, let’s hope it doesn’t get too dark on Sunday. I really hope so.
Ahh, damn, I really wish we were more hospitable. But yes, good luck to us both, let’s hope it doesn’t get too dark on Sunday. I really hope so.
I wish you all the best and will let you know how our election turns out.
I think it’s not just the US, but the logic by which we determine who is particularly recognized in society. The fact that our leaders are not the best educated, or the creative and artistic, is not just the fault of US capitalism, I think - its triumph has only reinforced established tendencies, I’m afraid. Capitalism has produced a new aristocracy, just like before the French Revolution. But that is nothing new. Even in recent times that is not only the fault of the US-Capitalism, because this is also real in other systems. It seems to me to be a general human error that is consistent around the world. It may be conspiracy theorizing, but I believe that Trump is flirting with Putin because they have the same interests - power in society. I think the next few years will be about throwing off the yoke of oppression, no matter which system imposes it on you. Getting back what belongs to everyone, what everyone should be entitled to. The right to a life worth living. Capitalism just seems to have forgotten that, as have many other systems that claim to be the right one.
Well, that’s the problem. Until a few years ago, it was unthinkable in Germany that Nazis would have any say in politics. That has changed with Trump and his minions. The rhetoric in the States has led to openly xenophobic slogans and the associated ideology becoming socially acceptable again. This is because Germany has been strongly oriented towards the US since the end of the Second World War. Unfortunately, your plutocrats have now discovered fascism for themselves, because it’s a way to make money (over dead bodies). I would never have thought it possible that Nazi ideology could become popular again in Germany. But unfortunately we are very much oriented towards the US. Nevertheless, it is all the worse that my compatriots do not remember, that they seem to have forgotten all the atrocities and crimes against humanity. One would think that we should have learned from all the suffering that happened not so long ago. We should know better, because we should know how absurd and immoral this despicable ideology is. But my fellow countrymen are unteachable, as I said, I am ashamed of them.
Thank you, I hope so too. And you’re absolutely right: if not even the Germans have learned from their terrible history, then it probably won’t be any different anywhere else. Honestly, I’m ashamed of my fellow countrymen. We really should know better.
I couldn’t agree more.
I feel the same way, but unfortunately I’m not so sure that it won’t be similar in my home country. I’m from Germany and there’s an election this weekend. Unfortunately, I fear that the AfD, a neo-Nazi party pretty similar to MAGA, will do very well. It probably won’t be as bad as in the US, but there are unfortunately many incredible stupid people all around the world. It’s the same song in many countries: braindead xenophobic slogans to hide the fact that it’s all about making the richest even richer.
Ye, the US should consider the same in light of current events. If the totally incorruptible Supreme Court continues to insist that the president is a god-king who is above the law, appropriate measures should be considered if at least a semblance of democracy is to be preserved.
Neato, thanks! Now I am the master of life and death! Very cool that you can also see how others have decided.
The Trolley Problem meme originates from a philosophical thought experiment that presents an ethical dilemma: whether to pull a lever to divert a runaway trolley, killing one person instead of five. Initially proposed by philosopher Philippa Foot in 1967, it has evolved into various memes that exaggerate the moral choices involved, often depicting ridiculous scenarios to highlight the complexity of ethical decision-making.
I think the strongest brand America has ever had is capitalism™. And I don’t think anything would change in the entertainment industry if America was openly autocratic. I think the US is organized that way for a very long time, just with a veneer of democracy to keep the people somewhat happy.
As a European, I can’t see any difference. It is true that Bush junior - just like his father - shamelessly exploited his supremacy to bring Iraq under his control, but I don’t see what has changed since then.
That’s right. And the US is well on its way. It is unfortunately almost an exact copy of historical events.
Unfortunately, Trump will do exactly that regardless.
Oh, Prince Andrew again. Well, this news is at least a little more flattering - or rather not quite as damning - compared to the last few times I’ve heard about him. Seems like a really great guy with very reliable business partners and kind-hearted friends, this prince.
I know, but why should someone other than Jones pay up? He has obviously put aside a lot of money that is due to those affected - he will make even more in the next trump turn. If he gets away with that and shows that it’s worthwhile to run a business as immoral as his, others will do exactly the same.
Edit: nvm, I forgot that Trump still owes the state of New York half a billion dollars for massive financial fraud that he will never pay because the US citizens elected him the next president. Well, too bad the US legal system doesn’t prosecute anyone personally - especially not with criminal charges. Sorry, I always wrongly assume that the US has a semi-functioning legal system. My bad.
I hope they didn’t pay more than a sack of onions.
Yes, and fuck this shit in particular:
A resolution adopted by the German Bundestag last week on curbing antisemitism and protecting Jewish life could negatively impact civil society and free expression in the country. (…) There are major concerns in Germany about the resolution, including from civil society, academics, Jewish artists and intellectuals, and lawyers. There are fears it will open up new avenues for abusive enforcement, further chill free expression, peaceful assembly, and free association, and risk stigmatizing migrant communities, while downplaying homegrown antisemitism in German society including from the far right. Source
Sincerely, another German.
I keep my jars on a shelf right next to the drawer for stuff, you know, the drawer for rubber bands, shoelaces, scotch tape, meat skewers and other such treasures that I’m sure I’ll desperately need one day.