You know there’s homeless people and slaves in China, right? I mean, obviously there is in America too, just making sure we’re clear here.
You know there’s homeless people and slaves in China, right? I mean, obviously there is in America too, just making sure we’re clear here.
May also be a matter of which HDMI port on the TV you go into. On my TV its only HDMI 4 which is CEC compatible.
Ah ok, right on
Shouldn’t the ‘@’ at the start of those be ‘!’ instead? I thought ‘@’ was for users and ‘!’ for Communities
Two or three makes you a slumlord
You’re a nut!
Owning more than one home
Yes! I’m on my ~20th play though I reckon. I get to the end and go straight back to the start.
One of my favourite books ever! So funny!
The technique you’re looking for is called Candling. I used to do this when I made the flu vaccine.
Its basically a light with a rubber cup on it to focus the light into the egg. Works really well.
Here’s a random website that seems to have good info:
Candling will not tell you if the egg is fertilized until Day 4 or so, when the veins start to develop.
I always liked this from the Queensryche song Spreading the Disease:
Religion and sex are powerplays Manipulate the people for the money they pay Selling skin, selling God The numbers look the same on their credit cards
If you need her to eat more, I’ve never seen our cats (and every other cat so far) go nuts for food like they do for those creamy treats in a tube.