How are people making apps with LLMs? I can’t even make the fuckin thing to write a me a short story
How are people making apps with LLMs? I can’t even make the fuckin thing to write a me a short story
How does it feel like to taste your own medicine
Yanks aren’t even tasting a fraction of it
Not in school? Kindergarten? Heck, neighbours, people in shops? Not a single one?
That’s a disturbingly accurate description of how I’ve felt for decades
We don’t do that in USA
Don’t you? GI Joe Retaliation: London gets shelled from orbit and apparently destroyed - barely acknowledged afterwards. GI Joe Resolute: Moscow gets obliterated by a space laser or whatever as a show of force, and it barely matters afterwards. And don’t get me started on the action movies where hundreds of people are snuffed out on the regular with perhaps just a quip to notice it. It’s only “reflected on” if it’s the “correct” kind of people
For a shameless toy commercial cartoon, MASK had a pretty slappin intro theme
Funny one: Psi-Ops
Well poop, have I had adhd all along?
Looked it up and it sounds horrendous. Thank you for new knowledge and good luck with that thing
What’s their opinion on puzzles and such? There are some fun wooden gizmos with gears and what have you
Good point. FOR THE EMPEROR!
Warhammer 40,000
Gonna have to be that guy and note that the game is “Space Marine 2”, which is set in Warhammer 40,000 universe. Sorry, it’s been bothering me more than it should
It was, especially since we weren’t given a leave or anything. So we would just sit around an empty office
Forgot to mention some stuff too: the evidence of IP theft came from one of the directors of the company taking over our project, the accusations themselves were presented by the owner of the overall company, who came to our city in person with some rather brutish fellows in tow (we were told they were his cyber security experts). While the investigation was ongoing, we were barred from using our workplaces, our computers got locked, the computers of the accused people got taken away altogether and both the team lead and the other guy got subjected to a lie detector test.
It was a tense new year’s eve.
I was part of a small team and our two chief people got accused of stealing corporate IP and selling it to competition. That was part of a larger mess involving the dissolution of our entire company branch. People were ordered to write transfer requests and move to a different company (which was taking over stuff our branch did). Those that refused were told to quit. Those that refused to quit had pressure applied to them (via fudging payment, raising their workload, etc) until they quit.
It was a mess, plain and simple.
There’s one that is both for me. It is a legend of how the hoopoe bird came to be.
Short version: this bloke starts lusting after his wife’s friend, so he kidnaps her and hides her in a cabin in the woods. He also cuts off her tongue, so she can’t call for help. She eventually manages to send word to her friend (aforementioned bloke’s wife) somehow (I think she crocheted it? It’s been a while). Upon learning the news, the wife kills her son, cuts off his head and makes a meat pie with the body. The blokes comes home, eats the pie, and calls for his son. Wife tells him “he’s already in you”. Bloke is confused, so she pulls out the bloody head. Dude flies into rage and starts chasing the wife (and the friend he kidnapped, IIRC the wife brought her home). Eventually they all turn into birds. I forgot which birds the ladies turn into, but the bloke turns into a hoopoe - his helmet becomes the bird’s crest.
It’s kinda disturbing for what should be just “cool looking bird”.
“Well akschually we never needed those nazis, we just didn’t want the other company to get them haha”
Sure can. There’s a lot of “blaming citizens of countries for things they have no say in” nowadays
Just what kind of health does one has to have to drink a bottle of champagne each morning? How did his liver handle it?
“Who’s ‘we’, paleface?”
It’s from a silly joke, so it’s not meant to be taken seriously. But I remember it every time some politician or Internet dweller or anything in between uses “we” to describe a position, an opinion, etc. Who’s ‘we’? Do you dream to speak for others, for me? In my stead?