agian they are deffinitionaly not, witholding support, and activly giving it to someone else are not the same
agian they are deffinitionaly not, witholding support, and activly giving it to someone else are not the same
lets not confuse not voting for, and voting aganst
I mean I never used the term “Genocide Joe” it seemed a little silly, but I was and am a person who said that in good contious I could not suport Biden, or Harris who said the only difrence we would see is a republican in her cabinet. No where in here am I saying this is anything less than the same level of genocide… nor am I saying that this is not more blatent, but the reality is that it is not significantly worse than the previous, that was just constantly being bombed, and that was being enabled by Biden
Maybe just maybe they stopped complaining because there reason to complain is no longer there, and they are complaining with you that Trump is aiding in a genocide.
I would not be suprised when the US tries to ban that book
John Brown Did Nothing Wrong
Palistinian Jews exist, and where not perged, the religion spread as religions do, after WW1 the area was given to the united kingdom, and after ww2 the UK and UN without concent of the Palistinians opened it up to (eruopean) jewish settlement. The issue is that they are not from the area, nor have any claim beyond zionism to the region
Well for Decades the Irealies have both been genociding the Palistinians, and have been on a long push to try to conflait zionism, an origionaly anti-symetic idea in eurpope, that was even embraced by the Nazis, and quinticentialy jewish, so they could use anti-semitism to shield themselvs.
The good guys are the palistinians who where there before anyone else got there, and have been being genocided agian for decades on end, and are being genocided now.
on a scale from 1 to 10 how serious are you in asking this, I ask because I am genuinly unsure if you are confused and unaware of what is happening, or if you are trying to start some shit
The UN has more athority over Lebenon, than Isreal. Note Hezbula is not a terrorist as they clame but a legitimate party in Lebinan and following lebenise law.
I also want to point out that the UN was there for the spupervised demiliterization of Hezbula with the assistence of Lebenon, the same reason Isreal is claiming to be attacking… also isreal did do an indiscriminant bombing on civilian centers so I would be a little quiet as your contry is quite literaly being the very open baddy in this situation
John Brown Fidel Castro Joseph Stalin
there is under international law a diffrent set of rules of war the Palistianans operate under than Isn’treal do as Palistine is seen as an opressed and colonised people fighting for independence
How is knowing at what airport an airplane is, public information that anyone can just pull up and find without that much know how, a massive risk to safety.
And if it is, hpw is she going to stop them from dping the neglegable research themselves
… and also Yougoslavia, hence where the name came from