Heck if accelerating to Mach 19 in about 2 meters is acceptable you could just disable the rotors and only experience an acceleration of less than Mach 1 in just a few meters.
Heck if accelerating to Mach 19 in about 2 meters is acceptable you could just disable the rotors and only experience an acceleration of less than Mach 1 in just a few meters.
Technically he was 19. Also under Dutch law the term rape would imply the use of force, which was either not the case or not considered proven hence why the sentence ended up being lowered.
Still awful. Just trying to get the fact straight so people can judge for themselves.
I’m not too sure being non-religious from the start would lead to better education. Seems to me that religion was quite a big driver behind early education. You’ll also have some trouble separating history religion and science at that point, people told each other stories about things that happened or how they thought things worked. Some of those stories are rather more fantastical than they needed to be, but how would you tell if there’s nothing to kickstart intellectual discourse in the first place?
And the whole religion stops crime through fear idea seems overly simplistic. It’s the same reasoning that bigger sentences would lower crime, and so far that hasn’t worked terribly well.
Americans assuming ‘America’ means ‘U.S.’
Wait so the production release would consist of uploading the files with Filezilla?
If you can SSH into the server, why on earth use Filezilla?
I must have missed that one, what’s going on with Filezilla?
I suspected as much. Still hate it.
Don’t suppose we could get everyone to switch to using Watt-hours? We could start listing exercise intensity in watts and you could easily calculate how much calories are burned during exercise.
I’m assuming where they say ‘calories’ they mean kilocalories?
In which case, what the hell?
It always annoys me when I see something that boils down to ‘nth order derivative flips sign’ where it’s unclear what order derivative the article is even talking about.
To be clear this is a change in the direction of the trend of the month over month inflation index. So we’re talking about some third order derivative changing sign. Which frankly is about to be expected, at that point any signal is going to be noisy.
The more down to earth statement is that the month over month inflation was very high and has now stabilized somewhat at around 4.5%ish which is still high (works out to about 70% yearly). It needs to be about a tenth of that.
Note that the decrease in the month over month inflation is not a sign of things improving. It is a sign of things getting worse at a slightly lower rate than earlier. That’s what annoys me about using such high order derivatives, it obscures the real problem.
Roughly speaking this article is discussing how far someone has pressed the gas pedal while heading towards a cliff, while the real problem is that they’re pressing the gas pedal (or more urgently they’re heading towards a cliff). Of course that last fact hasn’t changed so they manufacture a news story out of it by finding a derivative that did.
I mean it’s not the first time they’ve done so.
Movies. You used to be able to just buy them and own the data.
Now you have to pray the other party doesn’t ‘alter the deal’ and if you are proactive about safekeeping the stuff you own you’re a ‘thief’.
Inflation is probably the easiest way to achieve that. You just have to be careful that wages rise along.
In their presidential elections at least it’s pretty much by design. It happens because they have 2 rounds.
The first round the far-right option gets a relatively large amount of votes. Then the round after only 2 options remain, so anyone who doesn’t want the far-right option just votes for the only other option. Not sure what happens in general elections, but presumably it’s somewhat similar because there’s still 2 rounds.
As far as election systems go it has quite a lot of obvious flaws, but it’s perhaps not quite as bad as first past the post. At least it makes the tactical voting a bit more straightforward.
Is signal not a viable option? Or can you still not use it without leaking your phone-number?
Not sure about the self-driving, but he had a video challenging the idea that electrons in wires that carry electricity. Basically arguing that it was the electric fields themselves that carried the power, which is largely outside of the actual wires.
Not sure if that’s the same one where he asked what would happen if you used a light switch connected to a lamp by two wires. Apart from some truly egregious mistaken units (1s/c as unit of time), I vaguely recall thinking it was basically a huge clusterfuck of misunderstandings about what an electrical circuit diagram even is (stuff like real vs idealized components, parasitic capacitance / inductance etc.)
They’re the kind of ‘Well actually’ half true factoids that you never hope to encounter in the wild if you actually understand the stuff. For someone claiming to be enthusiastic about science communication he did one heck of a job poisoning concepts with subtly wrong/misleading explanations that make it a lot harder to explain stuff to anyone with the misfortune to encounter his version first.
Setting Milei aside for a minute, should you wish to revise government you nigh always need to do so from a position of power. This also applies if you actually wish to reduce the power government has.
Technically giving yourself absolute power makes sense even for someone acting in good faith wanting to reduce or improve government. Wouldn’t be the first time someone fucked up the succession though.
Best I’ve been able to explain it is that it’s a country build on hope and dreams, which are not compatible with reality and truth.