Correct. I’m running two AD DC’s based on Samba, all running on Zentyal. Super simple to install & setup. I them run a VM in Virtualbox on my laptop for the rare occasions I need to use the Windows RSAT tools.
Other than that, all my Linux VM’s, ProxMox hosts & unRAID NAS all set to auth against the Samba DC. It has been working perfectly for over a year now.
I had an issue recently where my new PC build would not shut down. It would power itself back on on every shutdown immediately.
Checked the bios and found that I had Wake on PCIe (something like that) enabled. Soon as I disabled it, I was able to shut down my PC.
My assumption is that I was shutting down my PC and my monitor still being on was causing my Asus mobo to see it as a turn on event.