It’s all fun and games until your own body forgets to eat
It’s all fun and games until your own body forgets to eat
Replace with something else - back when I was actually addicted to soda, I realized how expensive it all was and replaced it with drinking tea.
Of course, might not be viable if you’re an american.
There are some setups that allow you to do this.
nixOS or nix + home-manager on some other distro, but it’s a high skill-floor way to manage a computer so wouldn’t recommend
window manager heavy setup where you just set it up then copy over the config files to the new install, a bit of a pain to first customize but viable if you’re willing to ditch mouse-heavy desktop experience in favor for keyboard and shortcut focus to control everything.
Apart from those two cases, not really.
I had issues with keeping a stable sleep schedule for years, but now I found a method that works for me: every day, set your alarm clock to the same time no matter what (in your case 5 AM) even on weekends. Then, try going to sleep so you always get full 8 hours, if you fuck up and go to sleep too late then tough shit - you’ll feel tired tomorrow which will serve as a punishment that your brain will hopefully recognize.
They key is to be consistent and not sleep in.
It’s just a sad state of affairs. Digital video games are 1’s and 0’s that you can copy for basically free (with the only cost being hard drive space which is dirt cheap), so preservation shouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately, we live in a world where logic sometimes has to take the backseat in order to maintain the current ideology, and video game preservation is one of those sacrifices.
A somewhat political fact, but one that made some of my friends dumbfounded:
When a bank issues a loan, it generates that money literally out of thin air and credits that money to the loan account rather than using deposits they already had. For example, if you want to borrow $100,000, the banker approves the loan and doesn’t hand over cash or move existing money around - instead, they just go on their system and credit your account with the sum, that’s it.
I personally use bottles installed through flatpak for non-steam game needs. Especially if you’re pirating, you can use flatseal to disable things like internet access for bottles (and games that you run through bottles) and inter-process communication, making it just a bit safer if you have trust issues.
Setting bottles up is a bit of a pain, but once you do that you can pretty much run anything through it easily
i mean, technically every word is made up
use your phone to look up the commands on how to get internet working again
alternatively, connect computer to your router via cable
you don’t need to remember anything, except commands you use the most often but even then it becomes muscle memory after a while. If you ever need some specific command to use, just look it up online.
Waking up at the same time every day, no matter if it’s a weekend or a weekday and no matter if you stayed up too late and won’t be getting full 8 hours of sleep.
As obvious as this might sound, this has really helped me to regulate my sleep schedule, something I’ve really been struggling with for pretty much my entire life.
Adopting leftist music by perverting its meaning is pretty much the M.O. of far-right anthems/songs, no matter what the song was about originally. See: Tomorrow Belongs to Me, Fortunate son (to a milder extent), Born in the U.S.A as some of more well-known English examples.
I wonder if this was an attempt at doing precisely that, or was it just some publicity stunt for the movement.
It’s kinda difficult to find cracked Linux-native games, though one site that I do know which has a section for it is Torrminator. Don’t really want to get in trouble with the mods so can’t post the link, but if you do end up finding the site, then I hope it has whatever games you’re looking for.
Don’t fall into doomerism - news companies are companies, and negativity gets people on their platforms for much longer than positivity, it’s easy to get addicted to it. Set time limits or limit the amount of news you consume per day/per week.
Recognize that caring about something requires mental energy - if you had 1 friend who asks you to care about their hobby or learn a bit more, then you might agree, but if you have 20 friends with different hobbies asking the same thing, then there’s no way you can care about all of them. Similar thing applies to the news, recognize that you can’t care about everything and try learning how to stay informed without giving up lots of mental energy stressing about things you can’t really influence.
It’s admirable wanting to keep up with the news, but it also can be a bit of a trap and does require a degree of skill to not fall into what you describe in your post.
A few weeks ago there was this article posted here about why some game companies are trying so hard to kill their old video games and give 0 shits about preservation (as in delisting them from stores, not selling them anymore, etc.).
One of the answers given by the publishers in the article basically boils down to “old, preserved games would compete with the newer ones and eat into their sales”, which does say quite a lot - they don’t care about losing sales of older video games, all that matters is the sales of the newer ones, preservation be damned.
I had the impression this was a privilege exclusive to the conservatives
Maybe it’s because the guy is a relevant public figure, and if he were to say something along the lines of “the bastard deserved it” he’d face a ton of consequences for it? This is so much easier to do in an online space where you are anonymous, especially in an admittedly echochambery place like lemmy.
I do recall the Trump’s first assassination attempt, and some celebrities (can’t recall the names right now) did come out and say something along the lines of “shame the guy missed” which made the media start hounding and targeting them, with their colleagues being forced to disavow or kick them from their projects entirely.
It would be cool if Tim Walz or any influential figure went “rip bozo” regardless though
My european mind can’t comprehend making tea without an electric kettle, something that is very rarely used in the US