Can you even buy DRM free music these days?
Can you even buy DRM free music these days?
And just because there is some new method available doesn’t mean you’re retaining your privacy there either. I have a VPN to hide my IP and as far as I’m concerned that’s enough ‘privacy’ to avoid any issues.
What’s the worst that’ll happen, my ISP sends me a letter telling me to knock it off? You’re acting like this is some sort of top secret black ops mission in need of complete secrecy.
I’ve been doing it for 20 years and have never been caught. I’ve never even heard of i2p until here just a couple of weeks ago. The fact that certain people are pushing it so hard and referring to standard methods in such a derogatory way makes me highly skeptical of trying it out.
I assume you’re referring to Bakerboy448? I can confirm the dude is a major d-bag and it’s best to just avoid interacting with him at all. I thought they removed him from the team but I just saw he’s currently the #1 contributor on their github, which is a bit unnerving.
I’m not a fan of Tabasco so I wholeheartedly say “nay.” If we’re talking classic Sriracha or something less vinegary, then by all means “yea”.