In this case, the news is “hey maybe that was a bad idea” 20 years after this failure of a war started under false pretenses. It seems obvious by now.
In this case, the news is “hey maybe that was a bad idea” 20 years after this failure of a war started under false pretenses. It seems obvious by now.
“Payne would have confused the balcony of the hotel room with a possible exit, and as he tried to leave through the balcony, he lost his life in an unplanned fall.”
Sounds like they’re using the media language reserved for police killings of innocent people.
There’s a reason why they’re so cheap compared to the hardware contained within them.
I’ve had good luck with it for years in comparison to Samsungs junk. I only briefly tried LGs when I bought my C3 but fell back to the Roku because it’s simpler to use (as a CEC device to turn on the audio receiver and change inputs automatically) and syncs between other Rokus. It also has the least amount of issues with Plex and all my Linux ISOs since they’re in varying formats that don’t always play nice with other clients (like the god damned POS Xbox client).
I understand there’s a lot of tracking and phoning home but it’s the least worst option in my experience.
Our kid is kinda spoiled and also needs her stuff purged every now and then. It’s pretty easy to tell which toys she cherishes and which ones have been sitting in pieces in the bottom of a tub for the last 6 months. I’m sure most people that do this will get their kid involved in the process. Hoarding can also lead to lasting effects as an adult. Imagine what their friends and classmates think about the clutter when they see or hear about it.
I haven’t been banned from either, but I have had .ml mods remove comments speaking negatively of hexbear based on completely imaginary rules that aren’t listed anywhere. Meanwhile, in that same discussion, hexbear users were brigading me and making literal death threats and their comments were allowed to remain.
I think there’s a huge difference between seeing opposing ideas and just seeing a bunch of propaganda and brigading.1
Yeah same here. I didn’t even bother putting out Christmas lights this year even though we made a bunch of custom decorations a few years back.
I finally bought some rechargeables again this year after shunning them years ago but that’s just because I 3D printed a bunch of Christmas lights that have battery powered RGB pucks inside them.
Funnily enough, I started with all alkaline until the rechargables came in the mail at which time I replaced half of them with rechargeables which have already died and needed recharging before the other half with the original alkaline have needed to be replaced.
Previously, the only really good use I had for them was with my old Xbox 360 controllers since I could have a pair on the charger while using the other pair.
They just produced this interesting discussion that I consumed for entertainment. What about me?
That’s like 5x the cost though and you’re likely to break anything you drop onto it like dishes or bottles.
Our kitchen has laminate plank flooring and it has held up really well. I believe it’s original which means it’s made it 22ish years so far with part of that time being a rental full of college kids who apparently stored all their literal garbage in the garage and put a bunch of holes in the walls.
What else are you going to put in the kitchen though, carpet?
I’ve been using unlocked Android phones with Tmobile for 6 or 7 years now without issue.
This is what I was going to suggest too. It should be pretty effective.
It does work without port forwarding but only because the person on the other end has port forwarding active. You can’t connect to anyone that doesn’t have it set up.
No, it only uses what you’ve configured it to use and I have those set up alongside the private trackers on my setup. I assumed you were getting those random tracking urls from a public site like that but that doesn’t appear to be the case. As I said I can’t imagine where they would come from since I’ve never seen a private tracker that allows uploads with extra third-party trackers attached. Maybe you’re looking in the wrong spot on QBit?
That’s odd then. I’m also in TorrentLeach and all those show up correctly along with Ather and Blutopia. The only time I see random stuff is when sonarr/radarr grabs something from TPB or 1337x. I just go to the radarr category, for example, and them sort by date and then sort by tracker so that they’re in chronological order by tracker and delete things that are old with plenty of seeders.
I can’t imagine how you’re unable to see the tracker URLs since QBit needs them to find the files and private trackers use private URLs to prevent people from cheating on their ratio.
Without it, you won’t be able to connect to other peers unless they have port forwarding active. If enough people torrent without port forwarding, the whole system breaks down.
I mean can anyone really hold a copyright on shit? It just comes out of our butts.
I’m curious what retropie would look like on a CRT. Would it need the overlays still or look like the original?