That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.
That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.
How many electoral college votes and house of representative seats would they get with their population?
Not sure this would play in his favor.
It can vary but being needed is a common one. The feeling that they are helping hold the NPD’s life together.
There is also a reason this person is willing to put up with it. A neurotypical doesn’t trying to understand and forgive the behavior, they just find other neurotypical people to hang out with.
Orbiters of a narcissists, fuel the disease and gain their own validation by being someone else’s fuel. That doesn’t make it healthy.
Or are willing to acknowledge.
Middle period? Looks more like tail end.
Who says drugs can’t be part of self care?
You did it!
The thing you weren’t doing was being uneasy.
Now you can rest easy.
Oops. Too late. Time to be uneasy again.
You can definitely have a just a little genocide.
You’re inability to comprehend this lead to more genocide. It doesn’t matter if you can see it or accept it; reality doesn’t need you to understand.
Fine one says “more doom” and the other says “less doom” and you picked more doom because it didn’t quantified how much less.
The point is you picked more doom well. Blaming the signage being inadequate. The sign was clear to anyone that hadn’t shoved their head up their own ass.
Why does the blame go for Harris for not convincing people when it was clear to anyone paying attention that Trump was going to be worse?
This sounds like how people talk after being obviously wrong and not being able to accept being wrong.
If there are two paths and once says “Doom” and the other says nothing, only a fool picks the marked path. Only a fool who cannot accept responsibility blames the unmarked path for not being clearly marked “NOT Doom”
When one person says they are going to do bad shit, it’s not on the other side to convince you they wont also do bad shit. The person assuming the one not talking who to doing bad shit will do it away because reasons is the problem. There is no one to blame but themselves. They will be a tool until they seize their agency and make an informed decision.
Stop being a tool.
Being born in the same town means there is a high chance of it being a relative of the girl and her grandmother.
It’s likely this guy has a lower sperm count and doesn’t realize it. If it took him more than one month of trying, I am certain of it.
wouldn’t take it at face value
Exactly the fucking point. They didn’t want to take South Africa’s desires at face value either.
Narco trafficking sounds like a good incentive to get rid of drone operators. Wouldn’t want them capturing footage of those operations
And here is the moment it sails over everyone’s head that this is exactly the same claim for Palestine that many are claiming occurs when the US sells weapons to Israel.
Just a moment. Need to find the tweezers and magnifying glass.
School isn’t able to detect all abuse and it is not uncommon for abusers to homeschool to avoid detection.
No worries. Been there. Didn’t even see this before you corrected it.
I think it’s darker than that. Their solution involved doping the kids so they were heavily sedated during transport. This was out of fear they would panic and threaten their own life and that of the person transporting them.
The dark part is how Musk’s mind associated sedating a child to make them more docile with sexual assault.