“Putin’s puppet administration says NATO should cede everything to Putin, news at 11.”
“Putin’s puppet administration says NATO should cede everything to Putin, news at 11.”
More of a diplomatic crisis between Israel and the entire rest of world, really.
Going by standard algebraical operations, the “ia” would be implied to be 9.2
You were confused? In this story about democratically electing parliaments and presidents, you needed it clarified whether they were talking about North Korea or South Korea?
Here’s a more general report that delves into your question: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html
By far the biggest reason is that ~70% of those homicides are crime or gang related, and almost all of those are men, which neatly accounts for the disparity.
That of course raises the question, why are men so much more likely to get tangled up in gangs or crime? I’m sure that the sociologists have a more nuanced take, but I’ll venture out on a limb and say it’s because men are full of dumbassifying hormones. Being immersed in societal peer pressure probably doesn’t help, depending on what environment they’re in.
Yep. A 10% tariff will mean that every other country has 10% more purchasing power compared to the US. It’s basically shooting your own economy’s competitiveness in the foot.
Sir, my entire thesis was about how important it is to present clear data to substantiate your claims. Not only are you refuting the findings with zero data or sources, you are injecting a racially charged dimension into the mix.
For all we know your arguments could be entirely correct, but you yourself are undermining them by not attempting constructive discourse.
It’s a shame that this data is being presented this poorly, because this is a really important issue that deserves attention. None of the figures presented in the linked article have the proper context to understand them. Even the UN report itself does not present their findings well.
So, for instance, 140 women per day is of course more than the ideal number of zero, but there are billions of people on this planet. To actually quantify the gender imbalance of this number, we need to compare it to the number of men who are victims in the same way. From the report:
Globally, approximately 51,100 women and girls were killed by their intimate partners or other family members […out of…] 85,000 women and girls killed intentionally during the year […] In other words, an average of 140 women and girls worldwide lost their lives every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative.
The report does not offer corresponding numbers for male (or non-binary) victims. It does, however, say that 11.8% of male victims and 60.2% of female victims are killed by partners or other family members. It also acknowledges that 80% of all homicide victims are men and 20% women, which is beside the point as this is about domestic violence, but it will allow us to do some math to arrive at numbers to compare against.
…which should have been the headline. 27% more is massive! Domestic violence is a huge issue, and women are more likely to suffer from it!
There is no need to obfuscate the numbers to be less honest. The honest numbers themselves are shocking enough, and scientifically literate readers won’t dismiss your credibility along with your cause. I look forward to future UN reports communicating these horrifying statistics a bit more clearly.
Genocide Joe vs ultra genocide Trump, great job voters.
Oh great, another Putinbot spouting reams of misinformation.
Trying to clean up the whole mess from your firehose of bullshit is a fool’s errand, but here are a couple counterpoints for the benefit of anyone not already familiar with the relevant history:
The war in Ukraine was not “civil.” It was being waged by Russian troops acting as “separatists,” a disguise so thin that the only ones to buy it were on Russian state TV.
Every single escalation in the conflict was by Russia, ever since the hostile takeover of Crimea.
The military strength of Russia compared to NATO is so ridiculously lopsided that the only way Russia could possibly “win” is if they’re able to sabotage NATO from the inside, for instance by manipulating foreign elections enough to put a Russian puppet in charge.