I will check that out. Thank you for the suggestion!
EDITED TO ADD: Given that Fedora is upstream from RHEL (no longer truly open source) and is developed in part by Red Hat, is there any chance it too will become less than open source? Because as good as Fedora must be to have all the downstream enterprise versions built around it that it does, if there’s any real chance it will go closed-source I don’t want to waste energy on it. I know that some will likely think this an overreaction on my part, but I’m putting in the effort here because I’m trying to get away from embrace, extend, and exterminate altogether, not just MS/Apple. Gonna list this as a “maybe” for right now.
I don’t think it has ever been said better or more concisely. I’m sorry that people have had to die for it to be said, and that more will die before it is ever corrected. But that guy gets it.