Oh what is the bit at the end? Never noticed it
I don’t want to give Twitter any of my traffic, so I found it here: https://youtu.be/Tbr_4tbvImc
Yeah, it was European colonialism with a side of antisemitism. Amazing how it turned out.
I know it doesn’t help you, but weed really helped me curb my alcohol use. I’m in the same boat. I self medicate and drink too much. I’m worried about my liver, but I don’t drink and drive and only drink beer.
I stupidly have given myself a nicotine addiction with sachets recently that I need to fucking stop. I noticed nicotine makes me grumpy, which is a drastic change for me.
You just said this, but reiterating from why I had heard. Japan designed these to be aircraft carriers and called them helicopter carriers with the intent of converting them when they were needed.
I just sent them a fucking check. Wonder if I should stop them
By definition if it was at 12am it would have been vaporized
Wait when did nuclear war come back?
I was picking up a pallet of test seeds and driving them across the field with them in front of the forklift.
I didn’t check my load, hit a bump, and before I could break, ran over half the bags spilling it everywhere.
I am embarrassed to this day.
Wow, thank you for this. It is so depressing but full of fantastic information.
Yeah, I keep telling people that Millennials trying to retire (lol), should expect and plan for the market to drastically change but I can’t get a single person to take me seriously.
Even if the market keeps going up like the boomers had we aren’t gonna be able to retire like them at all, if the economy crashes on top of it, are we all gonna be homeless?
Clown Core is for those with discerning tastes.
They only have official veto power on the security council. Soft power though, I’m with you. All it took was thousands of dead civilians.
The shut down came just hours after Mexico’s ruling party, Morena, wrangled the votes it needed to jam through the proposal after one member of an opposition party flipped to support it.
I have no context, nothing tells me whether or not Morena used a completely legal and normal process to change laws or if they held people at gunpoint to get the votes.
I have no opinion of the news, I need to learn more, but that article does not seem to be written with neutral language.
Any idea yet how long it might last? Could this ever be something that we take young (either as kids or now in my 30s) and just not be afraid of lung cancer?
Was Henry Ford technical? I always thought he was, but now that I am older and our current “mavericks” are paper tigers, I wonder how much cult of personality colored our history books.
How cold could the foot of the Caucuses really be?
I see beans and I up vote.