Because R is incredibly clunky. I’ve worked with both and never got the hang of R.
Because R is incredibly clunky. I’ve worked with both and never got the hang of R.
You mean missing documentation?
Yes. But Proton is just wine with extra patches. And many eventually find their way into upstream wine.
What I find even more amazing is that with some regularity the windows versions run better (faster, fewer issues) in wine than on native windows. Used to happen more frequently when DX12 was still fairly fresh, but still happens.
The first ‘E’.
You can so stupid shit in any language. I admit Python doesn’t exactly make it difficult. A bit like JS, but different.
Exactly. Love it!
That’s called dumb luck.
I have that with Rust quite frequently. At least a lot more often than with any other language. I love it!
The background is most likely a color that is in the Mocha palette, just one that is intended for dark accents, not regular background.
You’re right, the background is too dark. Probably crust instead of base. Maybe it was customised or created improperly.
But I’m fairly confident that the palette is Catppuccin, probably Mocha.
Looks like Catppuccin Mocha
You can’t teach experience.
I think that’s called a functor.
Tumblr is a special place
My point. We don’t have code so we have to trust them blindly.
Telegram was never safe. All anyone ever had was their word that some chats are end-to-end encrypted.
In an attempt to weasel out of the liability for the woman’s death Disney’s lawyers pulled out the forced arbitration clause of the widower’s Disney+ subscription.
Meaning they’re effectively arguing that because he gives them money to use their service they should be allowed to get away with murder or at least criminal negligence.
I don’t think they’ve realised yet, what a foot-gun this argument is. On top of the obvious moral issues with this line of argument. I mean, this has “give us your firstborn” vibes.
It’s honestly disgusting.
USA says “jump” and every country goes “Yes, daddy. How high, daddy?”
I don’t like this type of question. In my experience knowing one language has little impact on learning another. What matters much more is understanding the underlying concepts.
If you grok OOP it doesn’t matter if you go from Java to C# or from C++ to Python. Yes, there are differences, but they’re mostly syntactic in nature.
So assuming you got the hang of imperative programming and maybe had some exposure to functional programming, too, the concept you’re likely to struggle with the most is ownership. Simply because it’s a concept that’s fairly unique to Rust.
Having come from Java, via C++ and Python and having dabbled with Haskell a bit, I feel like The Book does a decent job of explaining Rust in general and its oddities in particular.