Wdym “soon”. They’ve been visible for a while now.
Wdym “soon”. They’ve been visible for a while now.
There is of course wiggle room in the NATO clause, but there’s less of it. Additionally, the fact that the collective decides if military action is needed then individual members don’t get an opt-out of that.
Of course, ultimately nothing is ironclad, but given the established precedent for A5 and the excessive amount of individual wiggle room in A42, as far as I know A5 is considered to be more likely to be successfully invoked than A42 is.
I think it’s generally agreed upon that Art. 42 (7) of the EU-Treaty is stronger than Art. 5.
That’s absolutely not the consensus. This is what the EU themselves say about article 42:
Substantial uncertainty remains over the interpretation of Article 42(7). Following its first and only invocation in 2015, after the November terrorist attacks in Paris, debate intensified on how it works in practice, its scope, the definitions of ‘armed aggression’ and ‘territory’, and which forms of aggression it applies to (e.g. whether those include hybrid threats). Experts note that Article 42(7) ‘leaves more room for interpretation than one might expect from a clause in a legally binding text’. Many experts hoped that the Strategic Compass would deliver clarification, however that did not occur.
The problem is that through precedent we know that A5 invocations can (and almost certainly will) trigger military aid. With A42, you at best get “aid and assistance”, which the EU notes is super vague. The “by all means in their power” is also very vague legally speaking. Suppose Russia invades Estonia, and Latvia says “intervening militarily would invite a Russian invasion of Latvia, so intervening is outside of our power”. This consistent vagueness at every level of A42 makes it so it’s generally assumed that A42 could very well be weaker than A5, even if the wording appears stronger. It’s a political choice how to interpret A42, but with A5 the scopes are defined a bit more clearly, and there’s far less wiggle room due to the collective action, rather than the individual actions EU member states would take.
The EU defense clause gets triggered, which is basically a weak obligation to provide “assistance”. It’s not an automatic call to arms like NATO’s A5.
20% AfD is bad ofc, but also still puts them nowhere near power, even if the media hypes them up for clicks.
Absolutely true, yes.
According to https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/donald-trump/ he still has a net positive rating.
Zelensky may not be the best, but I have zero doubts regarding him trying his best and his continued resolve to try and do whatever is best for his people.
One of the very few people in political office these days who deserve the title of “leader”. An admirable man indeed.
The earliest source I could find is this one: https://fr.apanews.net/news/rdc-plus-de-70-civils-retrouves-decapites-dans-une-eglise/
Seems to be a local news agency. There are some other outlets corroborating the story, though I can’t find any evidence (e.g. images/witness accounts) other than these stories.
This Newsweek article is a bit shit because it’s using quotes from right-wing internet trolls about this, which is quite poor when it comes to quality standards. But I’m not so sure the premise of the article is a lie, it could very well have happened, and I don’t have evidence to the contrary.
There’s a card game version of it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Werewolves_of_Millers_Hollow
And if Putin could calm the fuck down then we could.
“Islamic extremist”? This magazine was founded and is currently operated by Israeli jews. What are you on about?
“Russia is in violation of the Minsk Agreements” https://cepa.org/article/dont-let-russia-fool-you-about-the-minsk-agreements/#:~:text=Russia is in violation of the Minsk Agreements
They even took a town 6 days after signing it.
Russia openly admitted they had no intention to stick to the Minsk agreements. So why should Ukraine?
The remaining 1% doesn’t commit suicide. Suicide rates are significantly lower in groups that did do the surgery than in the groups that didn’t. And even for the very, very few that do, the stated reason is almost always the transphobia they still encounter from society.
Blanket banning will increase the suicide risk.
I don’t mind opposing views. I do mind views that say some of my family members or some of my friends should kill themselves. I have no business on a platform that allows such hateful conduct, end of story.
It’s a matter of basic decency and respect.
It’s been surprisingly decent for audio issues for me. Often the scan for audio devices kickstarts some devices back into the land of the living.
That article doesn’t contradict what he said.
From the article:
“I cannot force migrants to remain in a country that does not want them. But if that country returns them, it must be with dignity and respect – for both them and our nation. In civilian planes, and without treating them like criminals, we will welcome our compatriots. Colombia deserves respect.”
The Trump admin explanation doesn’t line up with the timeline of events.
No, his position has always been that the US could send migrants back, but it had to be done humanely. Petro objected to the military transports with underfed and cuffed people in it (same thing Brazil is complaining about). It’s also why he sent the presidential plane to pick up migrants in a humane way instead.
After that Trump threw his hissy-fit and threatened tarriffs, Colombia reiterated that it only needs people to be taken care of properly and treated like people, and the US caved to those (imo very reasonable) demands.
Ofc Trump bullshits his way through what should normally be a political humiliation, but here we are.
Yeah Merz seems reasonable geopolitically speaking, and seems willing to make the hard choices. I’m not terribly sad about Scholz losing to him, especially as another GroKo is most likely to happen.