Then not having an alternate plan in place is on the airline, if there was nothing else the crew could do.
Then not having an alternate plan in place is on the airline, if there was nothing else the crew could do.
Even if it was full they should have found an alternate method of securing the body. They’re already dead, they don’t need a seat.
Fruit bats. Just no ebola, please.
If I can shill for a second, we’ve got a Kenmore with a blade that automatically cuts tangled up hair while the vacuum is running and it’s fucking incredible. No straining the motor, no hot dusty hair stank, no wrestling with the vacuum on the floor. It’s intended for houses with pets, but it works on human hair just as well.
Part of the problem with ADHD diagnoses is that a lot of it is just normal stuff everybody experiences, but way too much. If you poop once a day it’s normal, if you’re pooping 10 times a day you go see a doctor, you know?
So not enjoying making calls is normal, but if it twists you up in knots and you are putting it off even when you WANT to do it just to get it over with, that’s the kind of thing that can be indicative of something else going on.
Edit: lmao, somehow I mixed up this and a post about hating making calls, but the same concept applies to keeping track of time for appointments too.
Can be. I’m always on edge about forgetting and being late to appointments due to time management issues, so having an appointment late in the day means I’m fixating on it all day.
For me: phones cut off an entire avenue of information (body language) and make it harder to know if someone is annoyed at you or when you should talk. Also I’m not a fan of talking to strangers, but it’s not as bad when they’re in front of me.
While catching a ghost crab.
I feel like it’s probably going to go down in safety an order of magnitude or two in the US given, you know, The Horrors.
Option (4): Venus. Apparently the planet Venus is a very common cause of UFO reports.
According to emergency personnel on the scene, the six people were two doctors, two pilots, a pediatric patient and likely a family member of the patient.
Fucking tragic.
Fundamentally, your question is “does it make me a bad person if I have done bad things?”, which is so complicated that people make entire philosophies and religions out of the answers to that, haha.
My view: you can be a good person who has done bad things, if you change your behavior and try to make amends. That doesn’t mean everyone has to accept or forgive you, but it’s a necessary part of being a good person.
deleted by creator
Do you believe what was happening up until now was not genocide? Because if you don’t then calling this an actual genocide makes it seem like you do.
All the prayer, I’m sure. It’s sinning that keeps you lean.
Yeah, I’m not sure what it means either, which means I’m not sure how many red flags the earlier thread I linked should be setting off. A random mod on LW being respectability politics about neopronouns is meh, someone higher up the chain than that and it’s brake pumping time IMO.
Also like, presumably everyone else on LW thought they were allowed to moderate their communities how they saw fit before that announcement, you know? My understanding is the LW admins shelved the policy for retooling, not retirement, so personally it’s not something I would want to chance. I don’t think anyone is purposefully lying to you guys, but I also don’t think they’d make an exception just for 196 to do whatever it wants with any future instance rule changes.
I understand they’re not an admin. In the page I linked you can see they’ve been put in the “Community Team” section. Are you saying that “Community Team” is a convoluted title that the LW admins have chosen to say “person who mods /c/lemmyworld”? Or do they have some other role that I can’t find outlined anywhere? (Which could be on my end, the site I linked doesn’t play well with mobile)
I guess I’m not sure what a “Community Team” member does, then, if they have no control or input on how LW policies are carried out in communities. I can’t find an explanation anywhere here so maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
This is correct, but the original was 195. They closed it I think either because it got bigger than they intended or because they were graduating or something, so the successor community 196 was made.
And making cookie dough instead of pancake batter.