Just some Software Engineer

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Have you flipped a coin a thousand times. You would be shocked how often in a row you can get head.

    Statistics is fascinating and the universe seems to have a propensity for making very unlikely things happen back to back. Just think back to the guy that won the lottery, and when going back to the same location to film how he did it winning it a second time. In a row…

    So I would say that the universe is just making sure that 2024 which started with the first ever A350 hull loss ends with a bang (literally)

  • The real problem is that studying human behaviour when it comes to gender/sex is inherently flawed as any attempts to isolate nature & nurture would be inhumane. Imagine raising a baby from birth to adulthood never having interacted with another human being just to see whether they portray the behaviours we associate with their gender / sex.

    My personal opinion is that it’s probably a little of column A, & a little of column B. The higher levels of testosterone in the male sex would naturally lead to higher levels of aggressiveness. But the extent to which that would impact our daily behaviours is a huge unknown. Presumably it accounts for enough to be measurable but not enough to make a difference. But who knows.

    P.s If you know more about this than me and have a study that disagrees with me please post it. Haven’t done my research as this isn’t something I think about day to day.