“Andor” is the best Star Wars series.
“Andor” is the best Star Wars series.
A lot of this I couldn’t do but… a lot of it I probably could. I’ve designed and built quite a few weird machines for people who were paying me, but probably the simplest thing for me to make in preindustrial times would be a battery and an electric motor.
The meanest, most dangerous dog I knew was an american eskimo owned by my ex wife. This was a 20 pound fluffball, and he looked like he would be friendly and fun to scratch behind the ears.
He loved to bite people, especially children. He had a specific thing he would do when someone looked at him: he would look up and smile, while vigorously wagging his poofy tail. You’d reach down to pet that brilliant white, angel-soft fur, and as soon as you were close enough, he would take a chunk out of your hand or arm. This wasn’t a playful bite, he would bite down hard and hang on.