I didn’t say they wanted to die I said I would rather die.
I didn’t say they wanted to die I said I would rather die.
They were only killed if they were already held hostage, like don’t get me wrong dying is the end all your life is just over but being held kidnapped for over a year being raped and tortured seems worse to me than just dying as I got kidnapped knowing my kidnappers got killed too.
$10000/ton is $5/lb from a quick google search they are about $250/lb for industrial diamonds. So 50* 50 or 2500 billion or 2.5 trillion with no idea if they can use run of the mill industrial diamonds or if there will be additional processing to get them into the aerosolized form also how are you going to launch them, and for how many years would we need to do it
The navies of the world love nuclear power, the U.S. has a nuclear navy since the 50s and in that time our investment into civilian nuclear has been pathetic
That means the term “war crimes” is meaningless because it would just mean war. The point of specifying some actions as war crimes is to denote things that even in war you shouldn’t do not just say that all wars are crimes
That would make every crime a war crime going back thousands of years where they would lay siege on villages until the citizens starved
That’s why I put it in quotes sinces it’s all bullshit but it’s how’s they draw the line
You get “compensated for you time” not paid so with whole blood it usually only takes 10 minutes so they don’t need to pay as much. With plasma it takes closer to an hour which is why they pay more. A lot of the plasma clinics don’t actually give the plasma to people but instead make drugs from them that they sell for a huge profit
Scenario: you just had armed militants break into your home and a firefight ensued killing your dog and SO and you have been dragged into the back of a van to be held hostage with a 25% death rate and there is a group of allied soldiers
Would you rather they:
A) do nothing B) fire on the vehicle possibly injuring/killing you