I was working at a chemical plant, and had my tow motor license for about a week. We had these garage doors that stayed closed most of the time to keep everything compartmentalized in case of a fire. I was driving along with a pallet on the forks, and some asshole spilled water and didn’t put up the wet floor sign or even attempt to clean it up.
I hit the brakes, went sideways, and absolutely destroyed the bottom 3 panels on this garage door. The bags on the skid I was carrying ripped open and made a huge mess, but thankfully what I was carrying didn’t react to water. My manager went back and looked at the tape recording and found the guy who did it. Then he made him clean up the mess I made, and fired him when he was done. The whole thing was scary as hell.
This guy was a constant pain in the ass, but that’s not a fireable offense. Spilling liquids without marking it off or telling anyone in a high traffic tow motor area can kill someone, so that is fireable. Honestly him getting walked out made everyone in the plant immediately safer.