Don’t worry, when Kamala catches and imprisons those illegals she will do transgender surgeries on them
Don’t worry, when Kamala catches and imprisons those illegals she will do transgender surgeries on them
Pixel Dungeon and hence shattered pixel Dungeon are both based on a totally open sourced computer game called Brogue or BrogueCE (Community Edition) nowadays
It’s not on steam, its just free on the web. Anyone who likes pixel dungeon should check it out
STDs are sooo much more common than people think because often they don’t even know they have them.
Do all the cool physical things you want to do now, like mountain climbing, martial arts, skiing whatever. You can still do all of that at 40 but it’s harder to find time and you’re much more injury prone.
More diversity, More “normies”
Hearing from pooryoungmalegamerleftist#123049781234 saying the same thing as the others isn’t thought provoking or constructive. I’d like to see artists, WSB degenerates, football meatheads and everything in between in comments more because like it or not, those people are experts in Something
I got really hooked on Armory and Machine, there is an A&M2 but I’ve never played it.
Its the kind of game that only has a mobile version, it rewards you for coming back to it like any bad mobile game, but there are no ads, nothing to buy, and I don’t think there is any data shared.
The premis is you are work on a machine, making it faster, better stronger, more automated, and more able to produce things. Things can be in turn, turned into items that let you travel and fight critters. The loot from the critters can be used to make your machine faster. Its all a vicious factorio-like loop, and show how fun these mobile mechanics can be when there is no company taking advantage of you.
I can’t speak to curling, but in chess the womens’ leagues are there to get women involved. There are no biological advantages at play. This is a 2000 year old game they were excluded from playing until 100 years ago. So someone could put forth a good argument that it’s more about gender than physical sex.
I wouldn’t say terrible but mid possibly. It just took something that already worked well and added a little extra to it.
If “thing2: the sequel” attaches a something kinda neato to the revolutionary, gaming landscape changing “thing1:the thingining” that doesn’t mean thing2 is really better than something that significantly moved the bar.
This is why Fallout 3 is better than Fallout New Vegas and I will fight you all over it.
I think all sports aren’t equal in this. The rules for MMA would surely be different than the rules for curling or chess. The people who control sports organizations usually have a life dedicated to their sport, and are in a much better place to make a call about it than congress or randos on the internet. This matter should be handled by them. The fact that anyone without skin in the game cares about this at all is a losing battle.
Here’s one I get a lot of flack for that I don’t bring up much
I think people trying to cook up gun control laws are targeting the wrong guns, in going after semi auto or military rifles, when they should be going after cheap handguns that have been available forever. The majority of gun deaths are suicides, and that’s almost always done with a hand gun, but even if you control for that the majority of homicides with guns are done with hand guns.
Hand guns are usually relatively cheap. They are very easy to conceal. Its very common for people to walk into a bar with a holstered hand gun and make a series of bad decisions. Its too common for people to get in road rage incidents that escalate into something tragic because of a handgun in the glove box. People leave them around their house and treat them as toys that kids end up finding.
AND I would argue that handguns are not in the spirit of the 2nd amendment. They are not fighting weapons. They are for fun, personal protection, or making people feel tough without having to do any real work. They have little range and lesser power. There are are no troops in the world that deploy with handguns as a primary weapon. US military officers get them but that’s more about tradition.
Yes, I’m aware that shooting incidents done with rifles would be more deadly, but the fact there would be much fewer of them at all would be a net benefit in a society that banned or severely restricted hand guns.
When are you far left communists gonna admit that we shouldn’t be teaching children how to “make prison hooch”?
When are you extreme anarchists going to fess up that we shouldn’t be melting the elderly?
When are all you far leftists gonna admit to things you already probably agree with?
I have a lot of kids so I can’t answer that question
but reddit asked it 2 days ago, word for word https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1gdm2wj/people_in_their_40s_and_50s_with_no_children_how/
I just think it’s interesting to look at the difference in the user replies