A good way would be to create as many variables as possible that map anything relevant, genes, upbringing, sexual and gender expression, etc., and then doing a PCA to reduce the defining vector to as few elements as possible.
A good way would be to create as many variables as possible that map anything relevant, genes, upbringing, sexual and gender expression, etc., and then doing a PCA to reduce the defining vector to as few elements as possible.
Seems sketchy.
Is Martial law ever declared in a non-corrupt, power-grabbing way?
I agree with this take completely. The parent comment just seemed to encourage senseless retribution without nuance, which is what I tried to voice my opposition to.
Is it? I’m not saying it’s likely, but for the sake of argument let’s say Netanyahu is voted out and a new Israeli government takes power that says, “We are tired of endless violence. We will remove all settlements, checkpoints, etc, and respect a two state solution with Palestinian sovereignty over the agreed upon Palestinian land.” Would that not be the goal, the ideal? Or would you throw that away by trying to get back at Netanyahu and all the horrible people who have committed these crimes. Maybe I’m naïve, but you can’t say that at least the aspiration should be peace. Whether that’s possible without something happening to the perpetrators of violence is another question, but the retribution shouldn’t be the end goal and aspiration, peace should be.
There can be no sustainable peace with constant retribution, I think that’s the core thing going through this conflict this last century. For example, Israel wanted “justice” for the October 7th attacks. Did that lead to a better outcome for humanity and people living in the area? No, only more war and suffering. More war, bloodshed, and retribution is not the answer, we need to break the cycle of violence.
No, let us hope peace comes to the region and the endless cycle of bloodshed ends. That may include justice for the people responsible, but our main aspiration should be peace and prosperity, not retribution.
Is it okay to bomb economic infrastructure of a sovereign nation because it doesn’t treat its women with respect? Because that’s a little ironic coming from an American.
Ok, there are two apartheid genocidal regimes, but what else have the Romans ever done for us?
Website for pirating books. A godsend for me during university, where I saved 100s of dollars per semester, while getting the books in a digital format which I prefer.
Not me, I’m sure that I just fell out of a coconut tree.
Just pay people to be your shoppers and buy as much as they can for you. And give them a good salary for it. Hiring people is not giving it away, and they are buying the stuff for you. Or hire like a private concert with someone. So many things to spend money on.
If you think world governments and corporations care about climate change…. Haha
A lot actually do, that’s why progress is happening, although not nearly fast enough.
We all need to commute 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to work every day here in the USA.
You don’t need to. A lot of people have much shorter commutes. But yes I agree with you, the US is way too suburbanised, and people need to push for more urbanization, 15 minute cities, etc.
But damn if I’m going to use a plastic straw
There are hundreds of things that we need to change in the fight to be sustainable. This is one of them. Just because it’s not everything doesn’t make it not worthwhile.
Its fa-'got, fyi. Similar to the slur, but the second syllable is stressed, like the word for good. That is in your native language to be clear, I don’t know about the others.
Ahaha don’t worry, I got your meaning. Just wanted to point out I got the joke.
To explain it in American terms:
Pennsylvania has just voted in an election for US Congress on the federal level, and voted in the Republicans with huge gains. The Democratic Pennsylvania Governor then calls for an election for the state legislature of Pennsylvania (this can’t be done in the US, but let’s pretend it can) so that the people can elect a new state legislature that more closely aligns with their current position.
The best part is the dependency on the function is_odd.
I got run over by a Lexus