12oz Mouse!
12oz Mouse!
Hate to tell you this, but state health services in SA can be pretty shocking. You’re better off with the hideously expensive private health insurance companies over there…
Nothing like the cost of healthcare in America, but not exactly socialized medicine like in Europe either :(
They’d go after Sam Raimi and the Roma.
Edit: Alex Jones #Predictive Programming
If a rock fell from space on that man, his followers would 100% claim the involvement of Jewish Gravity Weapons and start jailing astronomers.
Did you read the rest of Ryathal’s comments? Trump’s playing and winning 5D chess again, according to this dingus.
And what’s your point leaping into action like this?
Is this a quote? By whom? The picture of this dude means nothing to me 🤣 Maybe I’m uncultured. I cop to that possibility.
Out of the loop. Wut happened?
It’s going in my cornflakes 😦
T-Rex sized tarantula would suffocate almost immediately, if it didn’t literally cave in on itself before that happened :(
After a night of fitful dreams, Gregor Samsa awoke in his bed transformed entirely into a gigantic Tyrannosaurus rex. His sister had him in a zoo or something by noon.
The end?
Tarantula are exceedingly, almost comically fragile. If you sneeze toward one they basically explode. God forfend you drop or rattle one.
I’d go for the T-Rex just for reasons of durability. I’m too clumsy to live as a tarantula.
Your Acronyms Are Shit.
(in Minecraft)