There are people here who will tell you that they would trust the Russian government more than their neighbor, if their neighbor ever suggested that industry should be regulated.
There are people here who will tell you that they would trust the Russian government more than their neighbor, if their neighbor ever suggested that industry should be regulated.
Oh they never emailed them even when they were loud. I did, but I don’t know if they cared.
Basically lizard man’s constant
Training will only get your units to level 3. Then it only provides a trickle of army XP to maybe get a doctrine out, at a huge cost of equipment. If you want units at level 5 before the big one starts, you’ve got to send volunteers. But seriously, I’m pretty sure actual combat is much different than training.
What does “all hell” even mean. Big talk, small stick . Besides, he said that since before the election, so why didn’t it happen the moment he was elected? Also, I think this is the deal Hamas wanted signed months ago. It was Israel that rejected it. Israel wanted all hostages and a temporary ceasefire, not a long term one.
The reason he couldn’t get it done with Hamas was that Trump had promised Israel he wouldn’t pressure a ceasefire if he won. If he hadn’t made that promise this could have ended six months ago. The only reason it’s happening now is he’s saying he will break the promise. I mean, what has he actually offered Israel that was not already offered, to accept what sounds like the exact same deal from months ago?
I think he’s done with the day
Pineapples are ribbed for pleasure
Or they were thinking that russia was going to be a rational actor and stop before it’s collapse.
Hillary was the lightning rod of the party for 20 years. If thought that that had something to do with it. There’s something we aren’t acknowledging. There’s a something wrong in the heart of America and its growing, not shrinking. Whatever that emotion that’s driven it, it’s not going away.
Those positions I would imagine are close to the enemy. I don’t know how his new buddy Kim would react if thousands of his soldiers suddenly defected. It’s not a guarantee they will, but it’s more likely to happen if they use them that way.
Erdoğan just lost 43 stress.
When I was around 8 or so, I was more afraid of the needle than the drill. It does hurt, but all pain is something you can get through. If you’re numbing though, it shouldn’t hurt. Also you may fell numb for over 6 hours afterwards. If they do it right you shouldn’t feel pain after it goes away either.
I used to get cavities filled without numbing, until I was 22 and needed a root canal. They make you get numbed and I haven’t gone back when getting work done. I don’t think the tooth pain is bad, and if you feel tooth pain, let them know. It should be completely shut down. The most uncomfortable part is really having your mouth kept open if they do it right. The light in your eyes too, but you can close your eyes. Also the vibrations sometimes make my nose hairs tickle. All that should be worse than the pain.
Also I’d argue us not defending his country was what allowed the second World War in the first place.
Those tanks take diseil right?
What I’ve heard: the nukes are about internal stability as well as defense. If someone wants to overthrow the Kims they want china to have to be worried about a civil war there, so they will support the current rulers government (more than they already do). An unpredictable nuclear armed state on your border is scary.
What’s all of this “the US planned this all along” stuff I’m hearing. The citizens did betray them by voting in a guy who has a different view of policy, but this wasn’t the policy until that happened.