- Car audio
- Auto repair
Who calls anything cowash?
Dj shadow vs cut chemist at the Hollywood bowl. It was experimental but quite the experience
1 shot = 1 beer.
Assume 1 hr to process 1 shot. That doesn’t mean you can drive an hour after you finish your drink.
You can ask for it to be made “virgin” and it will just be a tasty smoothee.
You can ask for a soda or tonic water to be put into any glass of your choice to fit in socially if you want. You can ask for a non-alcoholic mixed drink or even beer. N/a beer has come a long way.
Find a local comp for renting a room. Half that.
Let her decide if she wants to contribute more.
The Wire.
The history of city of heroes might interest you.
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but how about a flight simulator?
No nation building?
This is a wonder prompt OP.
It’s not that complicated. You’re taxed on income and some things you can deduct to reduce your taxable income amount.
The irs provides worksheets to help with the math.
The irs will audit people at random to make sure it’s accurate.
A scummy third party intentionally keeps things confusing to help convince people to use their services to do the math for them.
The old guard has to die off or step aside first. Younger progressives are the only way forward. The platform has to be change and improvement. Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.
Pull the boards out and swap them with edge boards.
riding around in convertibles.
If you don’t have backups then yes you should be worried.
Elon, the accusations are not baseless. If it was an honest mistake you’d be bending over backwards to apologize, denounce Nazis, etc.
They aren’t smart. If you ask “what would they do if they were unintelligent?” Then things start to make sense.