Video game, GTA IV. Highly recommend, it’s still solid.
Video game, GTA IV. Highly recommend, it’s still solid.
Yup this is exactly the argument I bring when it comes to this. People act like female leads just suddenly started to exist, and usually get irritated if I state those particular movies suck. A character being female or gay should not be the entirety of that characters use in the movie. If the story is done we’ll and they happen to be female, gay, trans, whatever, and those things compliment and show a strength they wouldn’t have otherwise and assist them in the story: Fucking fantastic. But that’s not what we are getting majority of the time. We get ‘hey this character is female therefore this movie is amazing’. Nah.
Examples of well written female leads off the top of my head:
The Hunt (2020): I actually reference this one specifically because it destroys the trope of ‘females being weak and needing rescue’. This chick flips the whole movie on its head.
Kate (2021): Another action film (sorry) but more of the same. Well written gritty main character who happens to be female.
Everything, everywhere, All at Once: Pretty much everyone knows this movie at this point. I wanted to include this one specifically because it’s an example of being well written characters and story where being female is a strength and deepens the story and characters. The mother / daughter connection and the turmoil of growing children, etc makes the movie. Arguably it would be worse if they tried to replace them with men and have the same impact.
I could keep going but by this point I’m sure I’m beating a dead horse.
I think my frustration is rooted in the fact that I don’t get to have enough time or money to try anything to the extent to figure out wtf it is I want to try. Its the ultimate killer to realize I’ll never have enough money set aside to ever even try some of the major things I’ve actually been interested in. My job is in IT and I do have a passion for it, but god damn would I love to own either a game shop or simple store. Something that puts me with the people of my neighborhood, gives me face time, and allows me to build a business with providing them with either a necessity or a hobby they’re excited to get started into.
And there it is. This is why Nvidia head met with Trump. Fuck this shit my god someone please tell me what the fuck I can do to stop this shit.
If you don’t mind sharing, how difficult was/is the immigration process? Are there stipulations and things you have to pass?
Man have you seen him speak? I don’t know what concoction of drugs he is on or if he’s just showing his age but he’s definitely not the rager he was 5 years ago. Seems tired and much less coherant. Makes me optimistic he might be in mental decline more than I theorized previously. But if we go by the ‘asshole’ rule he’ll outlive most of the Senate just out of stubbornness and hatred. We definitely need a quick solution.
That’s fucking hilarious
Must. Be. Fuckin. Nice. Honestly my grievances against our own system aside, glad to see it works for some.
Yeeeah…there’s been a lot of drone reports from a wide enough area now that I’m starting to get paranoid as well.
Shit went off the rails on complexity haha
Thanks for this! I’ll give it a try.
Man I’m all for spicy but there’s a point for me when I can’t even enjoy the flavor that just kills it. As much as I want to love them, I haven’t found a version that isn’t ‘light you life on fire’ hot.
I feel like if that world were the existence, that our daily lives and technology would have advanced with it where we would have Pokemon detecting radar, anti Pokemon shields, etc to protect our cities and such. Now if a shit ton of Pokemon just dumped randomly into this world then yes, that would be a big fuckin problem. Animal Control would become a seven digit job lmfao. Oh god PETA would be insufferable…
Do you have recommendations on brands or general pricing info?
I have never been more ashamed to be an American, and have felt like I’m saying this increasingly often. This dude is a man of his people coming to hope and keep aid to be able to fight Putin and these dudes ridiculed and heckled him. They were giving him shit for not wearing a suit. Fucking assholes. Anyone who keeps up knows that’s for good reason. He’s showing solidarity with the soldiers, his citizens, that are fighting for their god damned homes and families. This deal was never going to go. It was a setup for Trump and Vance to stroke their pathetic micro penis egos. Fucking disgraceful.