And who’s the one under pressure of war for years. Trump is a pussy!
And who’s the one under pressure of war for years. Trump is a pussy!
All the highlighting
Good job inbred Americans.
They are correct.
False accusations of belonging to an extremist organization coming to a town near you!
That’s my understanding as well, about putting blood on the door frame. I omitted that. You may be correct about the rest.
At the Jewish holiday of Passover, as the story goes, the final act of God to convince the Egyptian Pharoah to free the Jewish slaves was to send an “angel of death” to slaughter all the first born children of the Egyptians. The Jews would be spared, or passed over.
I know you only asked if this headline was something of a joke, but I wanted to add a little context, maybe it’s relevant maybe it’s not. I think it is. I think it’s the kind of thinking that allows one to overlook these kinds of atrocities. Even call out others for their concern over your actions that are harming innocent people. Religion is cancer.
Keep em
Israelis unaware of their atrocities. What else is new.
Because he’s the chef, right?
They’re needed for target practice in Ukraine.
Yeah, get your own lol
And with a tarrif, shows who is screwing who.