Jack of all trades master of… what’s that in my pocket? Oh yeah that’s from that project, maybe I could do this other thing entirely different now that I have this. Anyway what was I saying, sorry I didn’t pay attention to myself speaking.
Jack of all trades master of… what’s that in my pocket? Oh yeah that’s from that project, maybe I could do this other thing entirely different now that I have this. Anyway what was I saying, sorry I didn’t pay attention to myself speaking.
It’s kinda sad to see your big brother go down like this. We fought together for the last 100 years, and now he’s a shivering meth head.
Don’t worry, we’ll deal with Putin, and then we can deal with your problems before China tries to pull a fast one.
@[email protected] said
I can’t wait for Trump to die
DANGER Will Robinson! we can’t threaten people here, not even oompaloompas.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m not a great shot, but at 130m firing from a prone position I would have made that shot 9 times out of 10. Heck, I had my family on the range firing a diemaco c7 (the colt Canada ar15) as part of a family appreciation day in my home guard company. They hadn’t shot more than an air rifle before, and after about three rounds each they shot killing shots at a silhuet at 200m.
How that guy could miss is beyond me. Almost like it was intentional.
It’s not for going between 568A and B, it’s just terminated that way. What is flipped is the transmit and receive pins. It’s used in equipment that can’t auto-mdix, if you need to connect two ports or two interfaces. Like interface on a NIC with a router, or ports on two switches/hubs.
Besides what everyone else has said about screening, I’d suspect the astronauts are pretty cut off from the world.
If ground control can control all communication, what’s to stop them from censoring?
To me it’s not just “an empty sink”, that’s two empty sinks!
And the basis for setting up arbitrary rules for what each sink is for. Rules that nobody else cares to understand, but I will still try to enforce… Let’s just say that I get to load the dishwasher by my self.
Fly lady! That term is the only thing that stuck in our home.
Aren’t both Israelis and Palestinians part of the group known as Semitic people?
When I signed up with my psychiatrist the wait was 72 weeks.
I just looked it up, and the same psychiatrist now has a wait of 304 weeks! If I limit my search to psychiatrists within 50km, as the crow flies, basically about an hours drive, I have 6 psychiatrists "available. Their self reported wait periods ranges from 159 to 700 weeks. 700 fucking weeks! The 700 weeks is probably a case of “sorry, you’ll have to wait 14 years, because I’m not allowed to take in more patients, or pay for the eval yourself”, but the average for the 5 fastest is still 226 weeks.
I don’t know where you’re at, but my username gives me away - I just don’t want to fuel the American “socialized health care is ineffective” bonfire by making it too obvious.
Please don’t ruin Keanu Reeves and Nick Offerman
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Your statement is both correct and irrelevant.
I feel like Trump’s campaign speed was like one of the early seasons of 24, where so much is happening that the “turning Gaza into a beach resort” subplot must have drowned.
Pre-election Danish news media were mostly covering the Harris roller-coaster, and post-election we’ve all been a little preoccupied with being threatened by our closest ally.
I don’t know bout y’all, but I certainly did not have “annex Gaza and turn it into a beach resort” on my 2025 Q1 bingo card.
It’s just a distraction and negative media overload method that he uses. And you know what, it works. Here we are talking about this and not the serious things.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a distraction or not. If Trump takes Greenland it will break NATO completely, and when Trump threatens to take Greenland, it weakens NATO and that can lead to all sorts of problems … just not necessarily for the US.
So she takes in cushioned footstools and stands their constant begging for more food? Good on her, I certainly couldn’t do it.
Dude! You can’t incite violence… Besides talk is cheap
There’s a story in Danish news media about a preteen girl getting a 100 USD bill from the advance people. The dad got pissed, framed the bill and put it on the wall and donated its value to charity. The story concludes with a statement from the tax authorities, that the money must be reported as taxable income.
IDK about you, but if people associated with a child molester’s son, working to further the child molester’s cause, had given my kids money, I’d be fucking furious.
Like we can focus on memes alone, please!
If you want to understand motivation, not just for “today’s attention challenged individual on the go”, but something that’s universally applicable, I’d suggest you go to the source and look up self determination theory.
I’d be happy to apply the theory on your case, but for the sake of brevity I shall refrain from doing so unprovoked.
The tldr is that there’s three basic knobs you can twist to affect someone’s motivation: competence, self determination and belonging. You don’t need to actually invoke real change, but strengthening a person’s perception of those feelings will induce a positive psychological impact.