Thats literally the first thing I missed from Unity. Hope it lands soon 🙏
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Thats literally the first thing I missed from Unity. Hope it lands soon 🙏
Interesting. I heard about groups, but I didn’t really look into them, yet. Seems I gotta read up a little more :D
That seems very nice. Thanks for the input :) I am very much new to Godot and I gotta say most Unity systems in my head still work, but some just let me run against a wall, like the one I described here XD
Oh I meant the general solution for getting level / scene meta data 😅
But is my solution actually a good one?
Ah good find, I will read through that shortly, thanks :)
I added an example in the thread
not the name, the class_name
I set inside of the script
I am using GDScript :(
Yes exactly. but how do I detect a specific script in my scene view? Or in other words: how do I find the source of my meta information in a scene?