Russia is aligned with causing as much chaos and destabilizing world order in order to grab as much land and influence in the process. In other words perfectly aligned.
Well then you’re exaggerating those 30s by a lot.
Instructions unclear started riding at 28 with lycra while on my fat ass.
Hmm vim is the reason I dropped all debian based distros. Cause I wanted v8 when it was released but sorry you have to wait 2-4 years. Wasn’t in the mood for compiling it myself so just went with arch based distro and haven’t looked back since.
And Slava is short for every other name
A few things. Firstly, regarding waste cans are actually recyclable unlike bottles. As for buying 1.5l bottle and then drinking only a glass or something like that a day, for some people (talking from my own experience) they don’t drink the volume of the drink, just the unit. 1 bottle = 1 can for me, doesn’t matter the volume 😅 So I usually advocate for reducing the size of units if a person lacks self control.