Ja, hallo, Deutschland hier.
Seriously, though, I hope we can find alternatives to bringing even more nuclear weapons into this already dangerous world.
Ja, hallo, Deutschland hier.
Seriously, though, I hope we can find alternatives to bringing even more nuclear weapons into this already dangerous world.
Fühle ich, aber es geht um nicht weniger als die Existenz seines gesamten Landes. Insofern größten Respekt, dass er sich das so lange angetan hat!
Genau, mit Umlaut geht es um die Möglichkeit, ohne Umlaut ist es die Vergangenheit. Könnten/Konnten, möchten/mochten, hätten/hatten, dürften/durften… denke einfach daran, dass der Umlaut die Aussage verkompliziert:
Wir waren nicht tatsächlich dort, wir wären theoretisch dort gewesen.
Because fools appear to be natural leaders in this mad world of ours? Again, not saying you’re wrong.
Keeping with OP’s theme of referring to people as if they were dogs, I see.
Which is not to say that I disagree with your opinion as such. This world does have an issue with fragile masculinity, and that may well be the answer to OP’s question.
He’s probably run out of couches to fuck so he’s getting bored.
Can’t wait to see whether we’ll get the corrupt clown again as the next chancellor or the other corrupt clown who hates foreigners.
Or maybe even the lesbian clown who hates foreigners and thinks women belong in the kitchen.
Such visionaries. So inspiring. So smart.
And yes, that is why. The corrupt clown thinks not poking the bear will appease him.
We don’t need to. But nice try. 😘
It’s the other China. You know, number two. After the Republic of China.
So now he can end his three-day operation and peace will return to Ukraine shortly. Right? Right?
Just don’t let your brain trick you with the old switcheroo. I would be tickled by the thought that tooth paste sounds like fool’s haste and before I know it I’m repeating that. Until I stop suddenly, scratching my head and wondering what I was trying to achieve in the first place.
“Shmermany and Shmance shmiticize nyahh nyaa…”
I’m sick and tired of reading this kind of empty, pointless “news”. STOP ENTERTAINING HIS BULLSHIT. It doesn’t warrant public debate. Let him know via diplomatic channels it’s not gonna happen but don’t let him hog the public’s attention.
Same with other clowns in the public eye. Don’t give them the attention. Point out what’s really happening and what people can do about it instead.
You’re helping them turn politics into high school drama. Gah. We really are getting stupider as a species.
Good thing my oven has an integrated timer. In fact, it won’t work without setting the timer. Never thought about how much grief that must have saved me already.
And that’s why I usually cook while doing the dishes.
I call it “wirbling” and imagine myself as the Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Tunes cartoons when I blitz through the house doing all the chores. Once the momentum has been built it’s much easier to keep going, even on stuff I’ve been putting off.
How shallow and pedantic that would be.
(you’ve got a point there)
I’m not seeing a lot of mentions of nipples here. So for me, size is pretty much secondary. Nice, prominent nipples are sure to get my attention, though.
Y’all gotta keep workin’ on that edumacation, Cletus.
Yeah the AI companies are chomping at the bit to let their killer robots loose on us. Wish I were exaggerating but I’m not.
Hard pass. He would just use the opportunity to rant at our diplomats like he did with Zelenskyy. We wouldn’t want to sign any deals with a criminally insane dictator anyway.
The bond is broken, the ship has sailed. Time for us to pursue a Europe First strategy. Post haste, preferably.
And it’s not just investments into military hardware we need to make but also pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, etc. We need to become independent as soon as possible.
The groundwork is there. We can do it if we really want. MEGA will beat MAGA, and screw Trump and his puppet master.