To be honest: they didn’t. They were perfectly clear in their announcement that they are not the first to do it.
To be honest: they didn’t. They were perfectly clear in their announcement that they are not the first to do it.
Did you report it? Maybe no one noticed yet.
Just fyi: OSMand is available on iOS.
It got a lot better. Now (or I should say, in a few months) you can place icons wherever you want on the homescreen.
Yes, pizza and burgers and stuff, sure. But usually not for donuts.
A donut delivery service? That’s the most American thing I have read today.
iOS has a built in document scanner, which does all of that as well. Has never let me down.
That or the files he has are badly corrupted…
You mean files? Or apps? Or mails? …
Exactly this. YOU can make things interesting. It really depends on the attitude.
Upvote for actually giving (I think) useful advice and adjusting expectations.
No interesting hobbies? Have you been to interesting places? If no, do you want to change that? I know, it sounds boring to go alone, but it usually isn’t.
I really do think it is a bug. As this has happened to me before, but it only works until the next version of the app comes around.
Windows LTSC ftw.
I thought it was shown that it definitely helps, but it really doesn’t matter where the needles are placed, just that you are poked.
In one go? Look at Wormhole
But both ends must stay online until it is complete.
Well, only if they are below a certain limit. They don’t have to have an artificial sound, but they have to exceed a certain threshold.
Blender is not a CAD tool. And it’s not trying to be.
That’s exactly what they did.
WhatsApp is the same as texting in this regard.