How is the government stopping you?
Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)
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How is the government stopping you?
The end game is a cyberpunk-esque corporate controlled future. No government, only companies/the owning class deciding what’s happening. Yes, slavery essentially, because people have to work for them to survive, but that’s already done. No “less work” savings because of rising productivity, only more and more money/power centralized in them.
“Die Ukraine und selensky wollen Frieden” - du sagst das, als ob sie keine Waffen haben wollten… Aber genau das wollen sie ja. Die Ukrainer denken halt auch, dass sie ne starke Verhandlungsposition brauchen (militärische Macht) um einen Frieden auszuhandeln. Es ist so unglaublich arrogant, zu denken, dass man selbst es besser weiß als die, die direkt involviert sind, sowie der Großteil der diplomatischen Spezialisten, die die EU hat, die halt auch großteils für Waffenlieferungen sind.
Es werden doch die ganze Zeit Verhandlungen versucht? Es scheitert doch ständig an Russland dabei. Russland zeigt halt kein einziges bisschen guten Willen, kein Waffenstillstand, nichts.
Ja keine Ahnung, vielleicht macht es ja Sinn, das Video anzuschauen, aber man kann immer die Schlussfolgerung und Lösungsmöglichkeiten zusammenfassen. Dass das nirgendwo hier im Thread gemacht wird, ist find ich sehr signifikant.
SA = sexual assault
This is an amazing thread to collect answers to people’s security questions, thanks!
That makes sense, but this approach first requires the will to actually regulate in this manner. Because “just” closing the border right now would just keep capitalism unchecked, just within the country. Most people don’t even meet their next-door neighbor that often, countries are usually still big enough that I don’t think your second point does very much.
Otherwise, it does theoretically sound good. However, I don’t think just any country at this point could be entirely self-reliable, some just have an impossible land-to-people ratio that is only possible by importing food from other countries. I don’t have that much information about this, though, so might be false, I don’t know how much land you need and how the agrarian situation is like for many countries.
No, I don’t think there is a trick… I just thought you did something weird, because I’ve literally never hurt myself opening these or even had any problems at all.
I just opened one of these to test. What I do is I use my fingernails to get below the tab, which is extremely easy. The harder part would be to lift it up with my fingernails, which I don’t do, instead, after lifting the tab up just a tiny bit with my fingernails, I push my finger further in so that a bit of my flesh goes in between the tab and the lid, which gives me a bit more leverage to lift the tab. I then repeat this one more time, after which my whole finger is in the hole. I can then just remove the lid by holding the can with one hand, then pulling the lid in a 45° angle with the finger through the hole.
I just never thought about that there could be a problem opening these and I wondered what exactly you were doing to make it hard.
I’m scared to ask… what… are you using your fingernails for here?
Yes but which free trade are you talking about? Because if you close borders so trade only happens within one country, then there will still be competition within the country. I.e. your neighbor’s factory. That’s why I ask which borders you mean exactly… Because usually “close the border” means closing the border of the country to imports/exports of goods/humans of other countries.
Well yeah, but that doesn’t invalidate the “tolerance is a social contract” mentality, it invalidates baseless accusations and extreme hostility. What I said is the actual intended result of the “don’t tolerate intolerance” mentality. If that is fine with you, then you don’t actually have any issue with the mentality itself, but with the implementation.
Wait, which borders are you talking about? The borders of each individuals property? So everyone should be self-sufficient, with no trade happening at all?
Do people really stop competing with one another if the borders are closed? And if so, how? In my mind, neither open nor closed borders change anything in the amount of competition there is, it just changes the groups involved.
So what is the alternative to “downvoting” someone’s opinion? You can’t support it, obviously, that would be stupid. I just see no other way than “downvoting”, saying “well, I see where you’re coming from, but your opinion is wrong and doesn’t achieve what you want”.
The question is what you mean with “too much self-awareness”, which you haven’t said. I strongly assume that what you’re talking about isn’t self-awareness at all, but self-worth issues.
Because just knowing yourself… is simply never a bad thing. If it is, then it isn’t the thing you’re talking about.
New things. I simply can’t stay with anything. Makes it basically impossible to have any decent job, because people want and expect you to be an expert at what you do.
I personally just don’t see how having an identity, a “me”, matters at all. As such, why would I worry about being this or that “me”.
SEO. It really is not a big problem to spin up another repo with the same name. Takes time for Nintendo to create a new DMCA and people can find the emu quickly still. Figuring out which new name was chosen every 6-12 months would be harder than just making a new repo every 3 months.