That’s a great idea. Glad it worked.
That’s a great idea. Glad it worked.
Glad she is comfortable with the harness. Did she accept it easily, or did you have to introduce it slowly? One of our cats is quite happy with a harness, whilst the other absolutely freaks out if you try to put it on her.
Po-tay-toes. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
Very sorry to hear this.
One of the parcel delivery drivers in my area does that. Usually I can get whatever parcel is on the doorstep to shift enough (without damaging it) to squeeze out the front door, but I’m expecting at some point to have to go out the back door because the parcel blocking the front door will be too heavy!
Best news I’ve read all day.
Yeah, she was definitely trying to teach you to hunt (some cats seem to consider their owners just gigantic incompetent cats). She’s probably saying something like “I even brought it right to you and you still couldn’t catch it?!”
I think it’s safe to say she’s yours now. Glad to hear you’re looking after her.
What a wonderful outcome. So glad you got him back.
Looks pretty standard to me.
Oh, and you interrupted the cleaning cycle. Now Mittens will have forgotten where she(?) was up to.
Keep them apart for a week or so if you can to let any incubating infections show up. I recently had an upsetting experience with a family of stray kittens and their mother that my wife and I rescued, only to find out that they had feline parvovirus and had to be euthanised (whilst the kittens seemed fine when we caught them, the prognosis for kittens with parvo is horrendous; even the mother only had a 50/50 chance of survival). We kept them separate from our cats (and they are vaccinated anyway), but we still had to bleach the bathroom almost to oblivion to kill any trace of parvo. It was just a horrible situation.
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Disclaimer: Kat-in-a-Box™ cannot be held liable for damage to furniture, vehicles, clothing, bedding, utensils, whitegoods, etc. or any injuries sustained in the use of Kat™.
We work in protoduction.
Well, of course.
Nope, just inherited a colleague’s codebase when they left. It’s years later and I still haven’t sorted it all out.
As someone who has inherited code like that, I would like to strangle the first programmer in the comic.
What a cutie. Hope you manage to find a home for her!
Make sure it’s not whitespace sensitive and requires explicit typing, just to mess with everyone.
Very sorry to hear this. I’m sure you gave him a wonderful life for the time he had with you.