A breeder in Windsor, ON. Unfortunately I can’t remember the name anymore.
A breeder in Windsor, ON. Unfortunately I can’t remember the name anymore.
He does a pretty decent job of taking care of that but he definitely needs a bit of help. Gets a little crusty sometimes lol
No lotion needed as far as we can tell. He definitely doesn’t like baths and will try to jump out if you don’t block him but generally he just stands in the tub and complains a bit. The only thing he truly hates is when we have to clean his booty hole. Lol
She lives for the snuggle. She has about 15 minutes of zoomies per day and the rest is aggressively pursuing cuddles and naps.
It depends. He likes to run on his hamster wheel and is super active, not only that but his heated bed has him all moist and humid after a nap. A few factors like that will dictate how much litter dust gets stuck to him. We just do the smell test and a visual check every day and if he’s particularly nasty we give him a bath. Not too often though as it dries out his skin a bit. I’d say once a month on average and it takes about 10 minutes.
This one is a bit better. It really stands out in good lighting which is proving difficult to capture.
You can kinda see it here. He’s sleeping in his heated hut right now so I can’t snap a better pic.
Bingo. This guy starts to smell a bit like a scrote if he goes without a bath for too long.
He’s peach fuzz all around except for his nose and his tail. He’s got a stripey little tail. Its super cute.
Take a break from the internet and touch grass ffs.
Curly paws = best paws.
Sphinxes are dope. Mine is a cuddle monster too. He’s very needy. Also completely insane. I love it.
That’s because mental health care threatens to dismantle the carefully crafted delusions the church has worked for millennia to establish.
What I was trying to say was that I’m happy to be free of Microsoft’s ability to just sunset an operating system version that I liked and replace it with an even more privacy-disrespecting, ad and AI-bloated nightmare.
Nobara is at least under my control in a significant way. Windows, like so many other software solutions these days wants to treat me like cattle and I want no part in that.
#NobaraGang. I gave Mint a go a few years ago and just never really got anywhere close to replacing my Windows install.
I’ve gotten 90% of all use cases handled by Nobara at this point. The main outlier being my sim racing setup just because according to forums the drivers for all the peripherals are just really not ready for adoption yet. My sim rig will stay on Windows for now as the whole reason I invested in a proper cockpit and peripherals was to reduce the friction involved with enjoying the sims. Also, anti-cheat seems to be a no-go on Linux for now so as an iRacing enjoyer, Linux is out of the question for the time being.
That said, my entire home studio for recording (incl. Hardware peripherals), my daily driver use case and all my other gaming needs are currently met by Nobara. I’m so happy to be able to end my reliance on Microsoft.
Naïveté. Its not devs that set the price. Publishers do not have your best interests in mind. They will always choose to make more money. They don’t give a fuck about literally anything else.
The prices will never be lower. Purchasing no longer grants ownership. This is why piracy is justified in a lot of cases.
Support devs that respect the community. Steal from those that don’t. Or even better, don’t play games whose publishers treat the community like shit.
I play both of these games on Steam on Nobara (Fedora) with zero issues.