I didn’t mention a single thing about combat roles or personal danger
To fight
To be the arm
To defend
To protect
Do you not know what any of those terms mean
Asses to asses, butts to butts
I didn’t mention a single thing about combat roles or personal danger
To fight
To be the arm
To defend
To protect
Do you not know what any of those terms mean
You know most enlisted aren’t in combat roles right? My brother did ten years behind a desk, ended up with an awesome career and got to travel the world for free.
Selfish bastard didn’t get milady any milk
But what is Aleppo?
My dumbass looking for Saddam Hussein like it’s where’s Waldo
In case you do, here’s a list of dozens of politicians murdered in cold blood this year: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politicians_killed_during_the_2024_Mexican_elections
Now when you say “sort your own shit first”, you don’t mean politician murders, correct? Because that seems sorted.
You wanna talk about all those dead politicians or no?
Personally I think it’s high time Mexico accepts some help with their cartel problem. They’ve literally made zero progress after decades.
The worry is China and to a lesser extent NK join the fight
Did you miss the NK soldiers who are currently in the kursk region right now?
Crawl out through the fallout baby
But does it have a compass in the stock? Does it have this thing which tells time?
There’s something about a bunch of dudes getting ready to kill a bunch of other dudes that just speaks to the soul
We used to watch the cheeto balls tumble across the plains in summer
Am I wrong or do the wizards not remember their lives before they were sent to middle earth?
It gruntles the mind
What’s sugma
Sounds like they kinda did have a parade
That’s the exchange rate
Looks the same on the other end
Never stopped him before