It seems like everyone is talking about these cascading failures.
It seems like everyone is talking about these cascading failures.
It sounds like she had a lot of fun in your home. I try to remember things like that when I’m feeling a loss like this.
Oh, those eyes. You are about to be murdered.
I’m in southern Ohio and I’m sharing in your 19F pain right now. My husband was wondering why I spent last week weatherstripping our windows and putting up some of that Frost King film on the others. We’re both glad I saw the forecast in advance.
We usually just get one or two cold snaps in January or February. This weather is unusual within the last 10-15 years.
I guess 40cm could have been the city-wide or regional average, but in the neighborhood where I lived it was closer to a meter. I remember the digging that I needed to do to get out of our basement apartment.
And speaking generally, with no suburban style mall parking lots or wide roadway shoulders, there was nowhere to put it.
And just my conspiracy theory here, but I suspect that TO’s shady storm water and sewage system may have also played a role. In the early 20th and late 19th centuries, the answers to sewage management was to bury streams flowing into Lake Ontario. The answer to the problem: “this river is an open sewer” was “cover it over.” That’s part of the reason why there are foul, poo-like odors that linger in certain areas (I’m thinking of Christie Pits and Little Italy, but there are others).
There might be something further upstream. All the way upstream.
point zero, in fact
Same. Grab a couple of wheat thins and dig in!
Not that I know of, although he does seem almost aggressively nice? Surely he’s hiding something.
Since you mentioned the possibility - I’ve never had an actual Foley encounter, but one time while at a restaurant in TO in the early 2000s we were pretty sure we spotted Dave Foley in full Kathy costume at the next table. I’m sure it wasn’t him, but sometimes we talk about that time “we saw Dave Foley’s mom” at the restaurant down the street.
I’d be sadder to encounter Kevin on a bad day
I’d say that he was fine in News Radio, but that was an incredibly one-note character. Seemed harmless compared to Andy Dick.
My, how the turntables.
I wonder what Russian propaganda or piles of cocaine Dave Foley is up to these days.
I’ve said it before, but he was good in Fear Factor. I don’t like Rogan, but it’s like this man was born to convince aspiring actors and models to eat maggoty cheese or sort tarantulas with their mouths.
“C’mon, man. I know you want that key!!! Get in there!!! Pick up those spiders. You’ve only got seven and you need at least nine to beat Brock. The clock is counting!!!”
Lovely girl.
Mine has been diagnosed with murder in her heart. It’s pretty common though.
We don’t even have a photo of this dry sandwich? My curiosity demands it
it could use a couple of peepholes and an escape hatch. Otherwise, a solid fort.
This is a really nice idea. Which is refreshing, because my go-to is always something mildly disturbing but not too scary or criminal.
If I were going the wholesome route, I’d add a paper note to the USB or other digital storage, though. If I were to find a LaserDisc from 1990, that would be more or less unreadable without expending some significant effort.
But maybe future folk will have magical devices that can read cassettes, 8-tracks, or whatever.
I’m a big fan of concealing doll heads behind drywall. The local hobby shop used to sell half-heads (just the face and neck, including eyes), so that was my go-to.
It was also a hard to fix drywall job, so it looks a little janky. It’s almost guaranteed that the next owner rips out that section and finds her.
I don’t like it.
That’s some classic cat & wire deterrent advice. Needs to be repeated for every new member of the pride, but it works.
They’re keeping you safe!
Classic cat.
I’d only add the two gross things that mine did while they were kittens is that they enjoyed licking my nose and eyes, for reasons known only to cats. That’s a hell of an alarm clock.
Pippin has a hell of a fight face.