What you could do is get some store brand soda water / club soda / seltzer or a non-sodastream water carbonator. Then get like a cola syrup online. I know some ones that do use sugar are 1883 and Torani, they both have a cola flavour. I also havent seen a lot but I saw one brand called Zerup that has a zero sugar cola syrup. You could try that.
I’m gonna preface this with “Holy fuck I don’t think I can convert this to a great comment”
I have to wonder if its possible to make these people understand the difference between hiring someone where their name or skin colour shouldn’t be a factor, vs hiring someone because they have a work visa and are easier to abuse (not the exact right word I’m looking for, but close enough).
Like yeah there’s probably less white guys being hired at big tech companies these days, and I don’t think its the big friendly diversity thing companies are pushing, but rather let’s fuck over contract workers and foreign workers.
Idk maybe they’re just to brain washed into the “They took er jerbs” mindset. I have to hope someone out there can help deprogram these silicon valley idiots.