I’m pregnant and it’s yours. :( What do you want me to do?
Unfortunately alive. USAmerican, gay
I’m pregnant and it’s yours. :( What do you want me to do?
Isn’t it more because google ignored court orders to disable a piracy app on the play store?
Plot twist: reddit is one guy and all his bots.
I dunno, it just made no sense. If people find out you’re an atheist, they don’t argue with facts, they argue with morals.
I’m sorry you need to believe in something with zero evidence to be a good person/find beauty in the world/be at peace with yourself/whatever, but I can just do those things anyway. I don’t need to convince myself of certain facts for it.
I don’t actually know! Her microchip says her name is Shirley, but I tried two phone numbers and a physical address and never got in touch with her previous owner. I had been workshopping names for a while but I figure she prefers that one, so she’s still Shirley.
OT but what VPN do you recommend? I hear a lot of back and forth about which ones are trustworthy.
They’re dying in a lot of places. Malls still exist, but with the rise of online shopping, they’re not worth putting in all the bells and whistles anymore. My local mall pretty sterile and dull. :(
Do we have the same personality? Because I don’t see why it would escalate to murder. I don’t like violence.
I think most likely is we’d take turns going to work, and one of us would always get to stay home and procrastinate on chores. For some people that probably wouldn’t work as the duplicate would point out they have no obligation to their original, but I have a million siblings so an obsession with fairness has been hard-coded into my brain. We would work the exact same amount of hours and split all our sweets perfectly evenly.
I think the big downside is that I’d probably have to stop going to the gym. Alternating days would effectively halve my progress, and I’m not buying twice as much protein power.
Not even the worst but I’m amazed that a company exists that actually calls themselves Banana Republic and consumers were like, yes, this is good
I’m on team OP with this one. My nails are too short and 50% of the time I get a can that doesn’t play nice.
Either way I use a non-electric can opener since it’s quiet. My cat recognizes the sound of these things.
Oh hey, I appreciate the info! Seems I misremembered. I actually attempted to double check before posting but kept getting wildly different numbers from different sources.
I heard a lot of “you survived the first time, it’s fine,” when he got reelected. Ah yes, that pandemic we all survived. The constant food recalls where none of us got sick. The uptick in gun violence that made all of us so safe and cozy. Not to mention the famously survivable ectopic pregnancies!
No big deal indeed.
Visiting a buddy’s crossfit gym. He’s since left that gym so I imagine I’ll never jump again.
I wanna know what it feels like though :(
Vantablack isn’t really paint, it’s a coating of nanotubes the size of an atom. I wonder what that would feel like.
Listen to that ick!! That’s the part of you that knows your worth
You don’t genuinely like him, you’re just lonely. Plus, he doesn’t respect you at all, or his previous girlfriend. He won’t treat you right, but let’s be honest, even if he was the greatest man in the world, you’re not actually into him.
It sounds like you’re having a really hard time and you just want some tenderness and support, but you won’t get it from a misogynist.
Keep him blocked, and take care of yourself.
Lol pretty much, the typos usually get way more extreme.
I’ve been guilty of it in the past because I used to get so mad I’d stop correcting for my dyslexia or my general terribleness on mobile keyboards. Reason #∞ not to argue on the internet.
Not too sure about gringo but I know yankee is correct, I hear that one a lot from folks I know in the UK.
There’s some weird linguistic drift where in the southern US, we call northerners yankees, even though in the rest of the world we’re all yankees. Now I’m curious how that started.
Huh, my brain somehow added a “not” to that first sentence or something. My mistake.